October 15, 2011

A Prayer for You

O Lord, I pray
Keep these Your children in perfect peace,
 sheltered beneath Your wings.
Let nothing come to separate them
from Your mightiness,
all power and strength
Surround them
with Your compassionate love.
Renew them to a new day, full of life,
here still – I pray it’s Your will --
to bring another to faith in You
You alone Lord
for You are the answer
and yes, the question too
O Lord
Keep my fears away
out of sight, out of mind
Prevent the distress of the situation
from escalating
Bring me a calm assurance
that You are here, You are with me
With You there is
nothing whatsoever to fear
With You, My God,
All things are possible
Deliver me O Lord,
to the possibility hoped for.

© October 15, 2011