November 03, 2013

Death comes to us all

Death comes to us all.

We are born,
given the breath of life
from God the Father

and then we die.

Some given physical life
extending for
years … be it brief
or many decades

Some  taken home --
never having lived
outside the womb
so cozy and warm,
content and peaceful

Death comes to us all.

As believers in Christ
infants in arms
infants in the womb
we are taken home
to that mansion in the sky
to be with Jesus
 the Son
who reigns with
His Father,
Our eternal Father,

But death comes to us all.

We are born.
A seed is planted, nurtured.
We grow within
and perhaps
at or near 9 months
physical life begins
on the outside.

Still death comes to us all.

Even to God
the grip of death was near.
For God so loved the world.
He loved you and He loved me
So He sent His Son
to show us
the way to eternal life,
but so many of us
refused to be thwarted,
refuse still.

It is my choice,
my choice,
my choice,
My choice.
No one is going to tell me differently
I know.

You took my daddy
You took my mommy
You took my brother and my sister
You took my babies
You took my life
I have nothing
You have it all

Why do you take
and take and take?!
Don’t you care?
Where is your compassion?!

It was too soon
It wasn't time
I wanted my daddy to stay
I wanted my babies to know their mommy and their daddy
I wanted
I wanted so much

Why don’t you understand?

I thought you were a caring God
That’s what I hear
You love
Where is your love
I don’t see it

If there is love
why am  I so distraught?
Why don’t I understand?
Why don’t I feel this love?
Why do I feel only remorse?

Why should I accept
your love for me
when I don’t see your
love for me?

My child,
I do love you.
I do understand.
I do care.

My Son, My Son
My precious Son
Only one.
Son of God
Son of Man
Sent to earth
Born among men
Grew …
Taught …
Preached …
Illustrated ….
He died.
My Son
My Precious Son
in whom I was well pleased.
He died.

My child,
I know about grief.
I know how it can take root
and fester and grow
and you feel like you’re
all alone.
You want to escape
yet you want to stay
You want the pain
You feel you deserve the pain.

My Child,
My Son died
just like your babies
and  your daddy
and your mommy
and your brothers
and your sisters.
My Son –
He died too.

But He lives.

My child,
My Son lives.

He gave His life.
He went to the cross
Nailed to it by men who knew not
what they were doing
who had no understanding.
He suffered for you
He suffered for your daddy
and your mommy
He suffered for your brothers
and your sisters
He suffered for your babies
He suffered for the whole world.
Whoever believed in Him
that He was and is the Son of God
would not perish
but have eternal life.
didn't send My Son
into to the world to condemn
but to save.

It is my prayer,
My Child,
that you know My Son
and come to know and believe
in your  heart
the love
I have for you. 
Through His Life
His death
His burial
His resurrection,
You can have eternal life.

I cannot bring your loved ones
back to you.
They will live on in your memories.
But if they have believed in My Son,
believed in His death, His burial, His resurrection to New Life,
you can see them again.
And know this: your babies are safe
in the loving arms of God Your Father
who loves you so.

© November 3, 2013