April 08, 2013

Our fear ....

Our fear
of offense
be it true or false
hinders us
from moving forward.
We take a step back
wondering if we said
or did
to another unaware.
We sleep,
but in those moments
when we
suddenly wake
the fear comes to us
and sadness
intrudes upon our faces
our eyes downcast.

Oh woe
we cry
but why?

The valley of doubt
lies deep
Our fear
of wounding another
with words
brings our misery
deeper still.

But is it true?
Or  is it false?

Ask he or she --
that one perceived to be
the offended one

Ask Jesus – The Holy One
who casts out our doubts
and fears,
replacing with trust
in The Only One
worthy of all reverence.

Ask. Pray.
Apologize if necessary.
Move on.

There is no room
There is no time

Our fear can drive us
to a wasted life
a stagnant life
a miserable life
to a God-filled life
of love, faith, hope, obedience.

Our fear of offense
need not hinder us
but take us forward,
growing step by step,
with the Lord our always guide.
(c) April 8, 2013