June 02, 2014

Have you looked to the one who gives?

You look for stability
But you do not find

You look for greener pastures
but what is next door
is no better than where you are and what you have

You look for answered questions
to why
and when
and where
and how
but answers don’t come
Fear of the unknown is your ever present companion

You look for calmness and peace
but things go this way and that and discouragement looks you in the face
more often than not

You look to the past
and think it was all so much better
but when you try to return
to find nothing is better, nothing is as good

You look for what is right and true
but uncertainty flows
through you as you go through each day
wondering what you should be doing
where you should be going
why you feel useless and incomplete

You look for meaning
and you think perhaps your place of employment provides it
but it does not
Rules and regulations exist everywhere

You look for freedom
but you feel stuck, trapped,
and you don’t’ know where to go
or what to do to escape the forlorn feeling

Have you looked up
Up in the heavens where God reigns on high

Have you looked to the cross where Jesus died for your sins

Have you looked in the tomb where His body once lay
and now is raised again

Have you looked into His power and His might, His love

Have you looked into meeting with a body of believers
to learn, to worship, to praise

Have you looked in the Bible to read and study His Holy Word

Have you reached out, reached up
Have you cried “Help me Lord. Help me. I am lost.”
Have you believed
Have you accepted
Have you moved off the fence and chosen life … a new renewed life

Have you found Him?
He waits for you. He sees you.
He seeks you, but He is quiet.

You must respond to Him
before you will feel
His loving embrace surround you
and bring you to a place of forever rest.
(c) May 26, 2014