Anger stirred
Voices raised
The Lord dismayed
Satan gleeful
thinks he has won
thinks he has the upper hand
thinks we are doomed
to go the way he desires --
away from The Holy One
But we are not
The Lord intervenes
The Lord guides
We listen,
we desire,
yet we fear
The Lord asks,
Where is your trust
Where is your faith
Why do you hang on
to baggage
that serves no useful good
that causes you to stumble
Why do you allow
your past to remain in your present
and worse, into your future
To remember is one thing,
to keep it constant before you
You became a new creation
when you professed faith in Me
Why have you fallen
Why have you listened to another
I know why
I have said and say again,
Let your yes be YES
and your no NO
Not wishy-washy
Not in-be-tween
Not whatever
Either you are with Me
or you are against Me
Either you follow Me
or you follow another
Either you love Me
or you love another
You cannot have and not have
You cannot love, yet hate
the same
You are or you're not
Don't be lukewarm.
The apologies owed
belong to Me
It is Me
you ultimately
come against
You want my forgiveness?!
You must seek it
to receive it
I desire a loving relationship
with you … what do you desire?
(c) July 23, 2012