September 17, 2016

Am I ...Are you?

Am I
Are you

Do I
Do you
try to please
a spouse
a friend?
gain or lose
what really counts

Do I
Do you
look higher
than ourselves
above the clouds
past the sun and moon
to the Lord Jesus
He who guards
my soul
and yours

Do I
Do you
find fulfillment
our Savior
or are we ourselves
the answer to our
eternal destiny?

Will I
Will you
run the race of life
with Jesus
as our pilot?

If I
If you
are unhappy, lonely, disappointed
will anyone care
Is it up to me or you
to fix what is broken
because no one else
is willing
to open their heart
and enter into
our burdens carried?

If I
If you
are angry, frustrated
will another answer
in like manner?

If I am stronger
than you
if I am weaker
than you
does that mean
one of us has no need?

When will it matter
When will you care
Must I, must you
be what we are not
to receive what we desire?

Lo, but

The Lord
to Him
me and you matter
He cares
He is here
beside me, beside you
surrounding us

Do I
Do you too
often miss Him
Fail to grasp His hand
Speak His name
Realize He is there
right where
you and I

my cry
your cry
only heard
by us
Or do others
hear and listen
what is not spoken?

Does the Lord?

Do I
Do you
feel warmth
or are we
left in the dark
with only ourselves?

Do I
Do you

Call upon the Lord

Will I
Will you

Seek His guidance

If I
If you

Pray in His name

Will I
Will you

be more full
more satisfied
more truthful
more self-controlled
more peaceful
more joyful
more patient
more faithful
more gentle
more kind
more obedient
more trusting
more encouraging
more content
more forgiven
more loving
more grateful
more faithful

More like Jesus?

(c) Sept. 15-17, 2016