October 25, 2011

The Ten - God's Covenant of Love

The commandments,
The ordinances,
The regulations,
The rules,
The Covenant --
set forth
by God
to and with His people,
designed to shed light,
to be Light
to give instruction,
for holy living.

The Lord God seeks
a willing heart,
a love-filled heart.
The gifts, offerings
we bring
show our reverence
to the Lord,
our Master and King.

Those (gifts) given selfishly,
without love
and devotion
to Him,
the giver of life,
are not accepted,
are not approved.

If in our living
it is not to
The Most Holy One
our total allegiance
we have failed.
Our reward is just --
we face
eternal punishment,
eternal damnation,
eternal separation.

God's Covenant --
He has made many such pacts
The Ten
boils down to
"Love the Lord
with ALL your heart,
ALL your soul,
ALL your mind,
All your strength
Love your neighbor
as yourself."
(Mark 12:30-31)

son of God,
The Most High,
The Most Holy One,
tells us
no other commandment
is greater than these.

The One
Whom God the Father
destined would fulfill
His plan to bring mankind
to Him,
to Eternal Glory.

born of God and
the Virgin Mary

born to suffer and be rejected,

born to die,
to hang from a cross
pounded nails into flesh
Our Sin, Our Sin!

paid the price.

Born to die,
to rise from the dead
to live forevermore
within our hearts
to bring mankind to a
saving knowledge
to Eternal Security
Eternal Life

"the living stone
chosen by God
and precious"
(1 Peter 2:4)

Jesus Lives!

(c) October 25, 2011