December 04, 2014

a lesson to be learned

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." 
- Ephesians 6:12

The darkness of the night
troubled my ability to see
and direction was almost lost
as steering took me (and others)
down wrong ways
and across bumpy median strips

What was going on?!
Was talking to others
a distraction from focusing,
from concentrating
on what was before me?

What was God showing me?
Was this an example
of how Satan enters our lives unaware?

God was with me
And then I was turned around
and I had no way
to remove myself.
The consequences were before me
I wanted to hide,
crawl under a barrel
and not have anyone see my stupid actions.

But God sees our every move,
stupid and foolish
smart and wise.
Oh my!
A word flew out of my mouth
not spoken in many decades
a word that didn't belong
but said nonetheless
Why that word?!
Why then?!
Why repeat it?!
Why remind myself of it?!

... to keep Jesus closer to me
so I do not unravel

The road God leads us on
is narrow
right in the midst
of the opposition

I look up and see
and wonder

The wrong way
can seem so clear
yet it is
rather fuzzy.

Have we stepped outside
of God's guidance
Do we not see
nor utilize
the protection
and security
He offers?

Do we fail to move
past ourselves and see only me?
My woes
My mistakes
My headache
My pain
My depression
My sorrows
My misery
My longings
My complaints
My worries
It is all about me

But it isn't.
It is not all about me
It is about God
It is about Jesus
It is about what He teaches us,
what we learn,
what we do with what we learn,
who we follow - are obedient to

The wrong way
is as clear as mud
Why do we go there
or stay there
pulling us down continually

God's way opens doors
showers us with blessings
disciplines us to make us better,
more productive
He is always with us
loving us

We must step beyond
each of us
go where He leads ...
into the Light
so when the darkness
of the night
comes upon us
we remain safe
and secure
in His loving embrace.

December 3 and 4, 2014