"And lo, I am with you always.'' - Matthew 28:20 (NKJV)
God's will ... different?
Can it be
Is it true
What we believe to be God's will one day
may not be another day.
How can we
follow the path
we believe God has laid out for us
if it may change at a moment's notice
Have you stopped to consider ...
We can follow the Lord, yes,
but we each can make changes,
detours along the way
that may prove to be
vastly different from God's plan.
Have we asked God
about the detour we ponder taking
or have we made our own decision
Is it right or or is it wrong --
to seek God's will
perhaps find it
but ignore it
to discredit it
to say no, God's doesn't know.
I know.
God's will ... different?
Perhaps it is our will
that is different
out of step
not in tune with His
If we are really His believers,
His followers,
living under His truth,
in obedience to Him,
our will would be His will.
We would look anew
every day
at what He
has to say
to us.
We would continually
ask of Him ...
Lord, is this the way?
Lord, what will you have for me today?
Lord, show me how to get out of this pity party.
Lord, where do you want me to go today?
Lord, who do you want me to be a blessing to today?
Lord, is this the job you want me to continue?
Lord, what is your desire for me this day?
"Lo, I am with your always"
Jesus tells us
Where are we
Are we with Him?
Have we forgotten
what He has taught us
Do we follow and listen
only to the sounds
of our steps
within our heart and mind,
within our personal observations
and experiences
can we truthfully say
we seek God's will
and rejoice when we do find
(c) May 14, 2011