January 12, 2013

If (Since), then why?

If (Since) I profess to have complete faith in God,
Why do I become so concerned,
so consumed with questions
when life takes a sharp turn?

If my security is found solely in the Lord,
Why is the amount of my paycheck so important?

If it is as I claim it is,
Why do I allow news reports and newspaper articles
to grow my fear
instead of God’s Holy Word
to bring calm?

If I believe the Father God is creator
of that that is – human, plant, animal
Why do I act like something else is stronger
and more powerful? 

If I have accepted His Love, His Grace,
His Holiness,
If I am complete in Him
and ALL He is,
Why do I continue to falter along His path?
Why do I say no to His guiding?
Why do I still consider myself self-sufficient?

Why indeed?!
(c) January 12, 2013