“For you were once darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord. Walk
as children of Light.” – Ephesians 5:8
You once lived in the world of darkness
You once followed the path of selfish living
and believed you alone were in control of all that went on in your life
your travels, your job and work place environment
your home life
your recreational pursuits
your political and personal agendas
All was at your fingertips
If someone came against you
You let them know
You fought back
You told them who was boss in no uncertain terms
No one was going to mess with you
and get away with it.
No one was going to deceive you.
You had it all together. You were just where you wanted to be.
You once lived in the world of darkness
You once listened to every teaching and believed them all
You were lost, lonely,
your life seemed futile, non-existent
You once believed if you didn't feel, couldn't feel,
your life would be better.
You once lived in the world of darkness
But then the Voice of God reached you
and at your lowest point,
you gave your life – heart and soul
to The One True God
who offered you
unconditional love.
You once lived in the world of darkness,
but then you found the Light --
through the shed blood of Jesus Christ
you were offered salvation.
You ADMITTED you were and are a sinner
You deserved to die
You BELIEVED God sent Himself to earth
in the form of a tiny babe – He is Jesus Christ,
born of the Virgin Mary
You BELIEVED too, Jesus is the Son of God
Holy Spirit
You BELIEVED Christ lived among us,
and for our sins, He went to the cross at Calvary,
where he suffered and bled and died
You BELIEVED Christ rose again after 3 days.
You ACCEPTED His death for your own.
The Lord has redeemed you -
and you have received eternal life.
You once lived in the world of darkness
But now you are Light – God’s Light
in the midst of the darkness
Do not return to the Darkness
Jesus is the True Light
He is stronger and mightier
than the darkness that hangs heavy
Live in the Light
”If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship
with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son, cleanses us from all
sin.”- 1 John 1:7
Remember His unconditional love.
Remember your love for Him.
Remember your faith, be it ever so small,
remember ….
and stay in The Light of Jesus.
(c) December 31, 2012/ January 1, 2013