March 27, 2018

Face to Face

Face to Face
we shall see Him
Oh! What glorious thought
My Lord
to whom I gave my soul
He loves me so
more, much more
than shall I ever

Face to Face
now only dimly
and trembling
Soon and very soon
longer than we'd like
He will come
on high
in all His glory
white as new fallen snow
to gather
all His children
together -
even me
even me. 

Face to Face
Come quickly, Lord Jesus
The trials and sorrows
of this world grow
But You are all-powerful
You are stronger
than any two-edged sword
You have defeated the foe - 

Satan -
for all
even me
even me.

Face to Face
even me Lord
even me
I will see You
to whom I gave my soul. 

(c) Cathy Orrick Luders
March 27, 2018