Based on Psalm 11
The wickedness
and evilness
in the land
If destruction of the
is complete
where is their God --
He who they cling?
and evilness
in the land
If destruction of the
is complete
where is their God --
He who they cling?
God is on His throne
His eyes see all
His ears hear all
Every good
Every bad
He tests
the righteous
But the
and evil-minded
He loathes
The Almighty God
will give them their portion
Their reward
of fire and brimstone
will come.
His eyes see all
His ears hear all
Every good
Every bad
He tests
the righteous
But the
and evil-minded
He loathes
The Almighty God
will give them their portion
Their reward
of fire and brimstone
will come.
(c) December 5, 2012