If you have accepted
Jesus Christ
as your personal
Lord and Savior
You are
a Believer
Jesus Christ
as your personal
Lord and Savior
You are
a Believer
If you are a Believer
and have died to sin
and rose to new life
You are
a Follower
of Christ
If you are a Follower
of His Way
His Truth
His Life
You are
An Obedient Servant
If you are Obedient
to His commandments
to love God and your neighbor
You are
A Child of the King
If you do not follow
are not obedient
Do not believe
or seek His Way,
His Truth
His Life
for yourself
Have you really accepted
the Lord Christ Jesus
as your Lord
your Savior
Is it all a pretense
Where are you
What do you have to show for yourself
What are you doing for the one
who matters most
the one who died for you
Do you have a heart of stone
or a heart of love
If you do not follow
are not obedient
Do not believe
or seek His Way,
His Truth
His Life
for yourself
Have you really accepted
the Lord Christ Jesus
as your Lord
your Savior
Is it all a pretense
Where are you
What do you have to show for yourself
What are you doing for the one
who matters most
the one who died for you
Do you have a heart of stone
or a heart of love
(c) November 2, 2015