February 29, 2012

I call

I call
You hear
I am Yours
yet disjointed
are my thoughts

Darkness all around me
But Lord
with You
there is Light

Loneliness comes upon me
even when surrounded
by many
But You remain
You do not leave
my presence
and I am comforted

My body is weary
and restless,
movement escapes me
But You, O Lord
bring peace,
a calmness to my soul

Bitterness over turmoils
past and present
But You
have enabled me
to endure
and be patient
as I go,
whatever the outcome

I do not understand
Your ways
But I know
Your Way
is the best way,
the only way,
the right way.

O Lord,
help me
to accept all
that comes
The good
with the bad

Help me O Lord
to live
fully live
to life
to death
however soon

You will not give me
more than I can bear
for You are with me
You carry my burden
You enable me to endure
You bring me assurance
I can rest in You,
the shelter of Your wings.
I am free in You.

(c) February 29, 2012