a child of The King
Daughter of The Most High
Son of the Living God
Wherever I am
He is ...
Whoever I am
communicating with
He hears and listens
and makes suggestions
through His Spirit
who abides
within my heart
Whatever I feel
stress - anger - loneliness - depression
Just emotions
They do not
define me.
I am above the world
I live in the world
I am not of the world
My home
My heavenly home
is heaven
is my brother
my friend
my Lord, my Savior, my King
God, His Father
is mine too
He is with me always
when I am joyful
when I am troubled
He is there
in sunshine and rain
He is never far
He restores my soul
He lightens my burdens
Always remember
He is your Rock
He is No. 1
For all you seek --
whatever it is,
whenever it happens
wherever you are,
whyever the reason
-- go first to Him.
(c) September 26, 2014