December 01, 2011

Only One

Between The Beginning
and The End,
The Alpha and The Omega,
there are many roads
to travel
Only One True Path
to follow
to set us free
from sin
to make us whole
and complete.

The path
that leads
to our salvation,
Jesus Christ,
The Son of God
Our Savior
Our Redeemer
Our Lord
and Master
and King
to our eternal home
in the heavens most high.

Only One Path
Only One Life --
We are many
but He,
The Lord,
is One
it is His Life
with whom
we pattern our life.

Only One Savior

The God of the universe
created you,
formed you
from dust,
loved you
unto death

and He -- as flesh --
The begotten Son of God,
into the world of mankind
to show ...
"whoever believes in Him 
should not perish 
but have 
everlasting life.
For God the Father 
did not send His Son 
into the world to condemn
the world, 
that the world 
through Him 
might be saved." 
(John 3:16-17)

Only One
One Life
One Problem -- SIN
One Solution
One Truth
One Savior

(c) December 1, 2011