June 02, 2012

He is my shepherd

The Lord
He is my shepherd
... He can be yours too
He knows me
He knows you

And I know Him
more and more
closer and closer
The relationship deepens
He is always near

But we
are not

When we go
our own way
Follow another path
a road we think
will bring us more
- of what we're unsure -
But when we seek
other avenues
The relationship falters.

He still knows you
He is still near

But you have moved away
and the relationship with
The One
that matters most
is no longer.

He is my shepherd
He knows me
He is always near

And I know Him
more and more
closer and closer
and the relationship
© December 27, 2010

Veiled ... or not?

Vision fades
Words seen
but not recognizable
Like snow-covered objects
visible to the imagination
yet not to the naked eye.
Is this the same too
veiled, yet not?
"I see Him, but not now; 
I behold Him, but not near;"

(Numbers 24:17a NKJV)
"Behold, He is coming
with clouds
and every eye will see Him."
(Revelation 1:7a NKJV)

© December 26, 2010

When The Lord calls

When The Lord calls
your name
whispering softly,
"Come my child,
your room is ready."

You go,
ready to depart now
for a calmer place
nearer to Jesus
barely aware of what is
left behind
ties of family,
friends too
overcomes you
and God's
still small voice
is what you hear
and what you
answer to

"I'm coming Lord.
I'm coming home."

and those who remain
face remaining time
without that physical presence
but memories linger
and the Lord --
He is nearer still.

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also." (John 14:1-3 NKJV)
© December 24, 2010

Jesus is the gift ... the best gift of all

What is the gift?
The gift we seek
The one to give another
The one another brings

What is the gift?
Is it love shared
a sacrifice made
or alone

What is the gift?
on this
Christmas Day?

Who gave the gift?
Who gives it still?

It is NOT Mr. Claus
It is NOT
that one in a red suit
and white beard
who shakes when he laughs
who comes but once a year
and makes you think
he knows what you want
and will bring it too.

It is NOT Mr. Claus.

It was and is LOVE.
It was and is a sacrifice.

Jesus is the gift.
The one we seek
The one we share
Love come down
from heaven above

(c) December 23, 2010 

Look down, Look up - to Jesus

Look down where He lay 
born amongst animals 
no room at the inn 
to His mother, 
Mary, a virgin 
uniquely chosen by God 

 Listen to the songs 
of Jesus' birth 
Away in a Manger 

Look down where He lay 
Hear the quiet, 
the stillness 

See the sky 
a star-filled sky 
with one just ever so bright 
To show us where He lay 

 Look up in the sky 
to the heavens 
where the Lord Jesus reigns 

He sits at the right hand 
of His Father 
 Son of God 
Son of Man 
 O Holy One 
O Holy Night 

 Look down where He lay 
Look up where He reigns 
 Set your mind on things above, 
on Jesus 
and you will find the way 
to true joy. 

 (c) December 12, 2010

How will I know?

I cannot
I cannot

I'm busy
I can't talk now
I have someone here
I'm eating breakfast

I cannot
call you back

What do you want?!

Why, nothing

I'm sorry
I bothered you.

I cannot
call you another time.

Death outside
Death inside
Physical death
Spiritual death

What is death
... the cease of oxygen flow to the brain?
... the loss of another's friendship?

Is it futile

Should I bother
to seek out another
who, it seems
repeatedly says
you are bothering me

a bother
is it better to stop
if the 'right' time
is not when I call.

How will I know
Will God tell me
when to call
when I won't be a bother

How will I know?

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" (Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 5a, 7a NKJV))

How will I know?
Will God tell me
when to speak
when I won't be a bother?

Will He?

 (c) December 1, 2010