June 28, 2012

A "good" person - is it you?

What is a “good” person?

Is it
who goes to a place of worship weekly or daily?

Is it
who gives hundreds or thousands of dollars
to your place of worship for whatever is needed?

Is it
who takes of your surplus and gives to those in need?

Is it
who speaks kind words to your neighbor?

Is it
who invites others to your home to share a meal?

Is it … you?

Not one, no, not one
is good,
except  The One Most High,

And all that is done
is only really
and emphatically
true IF
it is
through Him
who enables us
to do good

Without Jesus
our works are vain
We are vain
Our reward
lies only with ourselves
and what we can accomplish
in the here and now
Not for eternity
Not with Him

The Lord looks down
from heaven
to see within
the hearts
of men and women and children too
Do we understand
Do we seek God
or have we turned away
from Him
who is The Giver of Life
Our Refuge
Our Strength
Our Salvation

Keep the Commandments
Keep them all
Be obedient.

If we belong to Jesus –
If we have accepted Jesus Christ
as our personal Lord and Savior ,
The One who came to save us all
from our sins, from eternal damnation, a forever hell,
through death on the cross,
and after three days,
resurrection  –  IF,
then obedience to His command
will come
and that will be “good.”

(c) June 28, 2012
"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." - Mark 12:30-31