July 01, 2014


IF I abide in God’s word, I will know the truth and the truth will make me free.  
(See John 8:32)

IF I abide in God at all times, I will be at peace through every circumstance that comes along.

IF I remind myself daily of God’s truths, I will not swerve off the path and trudge down back alleys that bring untold pain and grief.

IF I truly love God as He loves me and am obedient to His commandments to go out into the world and share His Word, I will rejoice – as heaven rejoices, when a lost sinner has been won for Jesus.

IF I say and do all things without complaining and arguing, God sees me as blameless, without fault, in the midst of a world filled with selfishness, a light shining The Way, The Truth and The Life of Jesus, The One True Light who invades the darkness and destroys the evil. 
(See Philippians 2:14-16)

IF I wholeheartedly believe in Jesus and trust in His promises, and wait expectantly for His answers, without wavering, I can ask anything in His name and He will do it.  
(See John 14:12-14)

IF I am thankful in all things, even a severe wind-rain-thunder-lightning storm, I will not be distressed or discouraged because I know the Lord God above is with me. He will protect and guide me.

IF I get into God’s Holy Book every day to read and study and meditate and discover what words of wisdom He has just for me, I will not be overburdened with the cares of the day, for my burdens will be transferred to Him. 
(See Matthew 11:28-30)

IF I profess to be a follower of Christ, I have become a new person. Old things have passed away – I no longer am chained by the works of the flesh (adultery, idolatry, hatred, contention, jealousy, wrath, selfish ambitions, dissension, envy, murder, drunkenness)  and its passions and desires. All things have become new. I now walk in the Spirit, of which its fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. I strive to guard my heart against those things which bring pain and remorse to my Father in heaven. I strive to love others and Christ loves me and abide by His commandments.     
           (See II Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 5:16, Galatians 5:19-26) 

(c) June 30/July 1, 2014