September 21, 2015

Who rules your world?

When you worry
When you fret
The way of the world
is what you get

Pulled down and away
your thoughts are selfish
your actions are contentious,
strife erupts
your words swallow and spew
hatred and anger
The way of the world
clamors for your attention
more and more
as the life you lead
the life you have
becomes less and less
about God

Awareness of God
and His Power
His Strength
His Presence
is blocked

You fail to see the good around you -
the blessings God bestows upon you daily

You see instead only pain
and you react to that pain
You see your life spiraling downward
and you want it to stop
but you can’t see how
Everything all negative
Outbursts of anger and bitterness
begins and ends the day
and each situation brings
only more anger, more pain
You want this life you’re living
to Stop.

The Devil has infiltrated your brain
into believing his every lie:

- give up
- it’s no use
- it won’t work
- there’s no way out
- you are worthless
- he or she is lying or cheating
or doesn’t deserve your forgiveness
or your love
- no one cares
- you hear words of condemnation
- you are put down for every comment
You feel so disconnected

You want your life to be pleasant,
filled with goodness,
kindness and gentleness
and love
You want encouragement

Listening and believe and reacting
to the Devil’s lies will not
get you where you want to be

You must turn away from him and the darkness
and turn to God.

You do well to accept the Lord
as your personal Savior,
but it doesn’t stop there.
There is more
much more to the Christian life
As children of the Living God
we show our faith
and our love of, in and for Him
by demonstrating to others
His Way,
His Truth,
His Life.
Not our way,
or our truth
or our life,
but HIS

When we are disobedient
to the Lord’s teachings,
He is not pleased – with our attitudes or behavior
He wants a relationship
with each of us

When we are seeking the Lord
for everything,
studying His word,
so much of our pain
goes away

We still have hardships
but dealing with them
much easier to bear
The Lord God is with us

Look to the Father
Turn away from Satan
Jesus conquered the enemy
from the cross for you and me
We do not have to give in
to the unfruitful works of Satan

Live in the Light
Follow the Light
Look to the Light
Our God will lead you
out of the darkness
that seeks to erode
your every thought and deed
and bring you into
the joy of knowing Him.

(c) Cathy Orrick Luders
September 20-21, 2015