July 24, 2012

He still loves us

The pain follows us
And everywhere
We cringe under the load
Yet we feel obliged to carry it

Such stupidity

We argue
Husband and wife
Brother and brother
Sister and sister
Parents and children
We don’t listen
We say we listen
We hear what we imagine
We hear what we think we’re supposed to hear
We hear what our feelings tell us to hear
We don’t stop and pay attention

Communication gone out the window
I wonder if we ever truly learned it
Miscommunication is the way --
we’ve learned that well

Perhaps that too goes back
to the very beginning
when God created man
and woman
Everything was fine
until one quiet day
all fury burst forth
Satan strode in on his
black horse, all proud,
filled with hate for Him
who he couldn’t be
Bound and determined
to undermine Him at
every possible turn
He’d get even, he’d show
God how big he was,
how important he was,
how he could destroy
humanity with the power
of negative thinking
and undergird it with
selfish thinking.

And we would fall prey
to him.
Oh yes, Satan had it
all figured out
and us,
what do we do?

We allow him.

Such stupidity

If we could go back
back to the beginning
back to freedom
If we could just say NO
to Satan
NO to self
NO to negative thoughts
that dash our hopes
and bring us back to that
disgusting place we don’t want to be.

God gave us life
Not once, but twice
He offers us joy
And we have the gall to say no?

We refuse His love
He allowed His Son to go to the cross
for us,
for our sins
Jesus, who had no sin
He died for me
He died for you
And we say NO to Him?!

Such stupidity

Such pain and grief
our Father feels

Yet He still loves us.
(c) July 24, 2012

Are we deadened .. or are we alive

Are we deadened
to the sounds
around us
Silently they speak
Harsh too
Withdrawn into self
Fearful of stepping beyond
the perimeter of our individual circle
Small and alone
we are
We don't hear
We think no one hears us,
no one cares
and we don't care
No one steps up,
No one steps beyond
their safety net
Not even you or me
We are afraid, as they

Who will answer
Ed Ames asked
in decades gone by
No one, we think
No one, we believe
No one will answer
No one has

But we are wrong

The Lord answers
But do we hear
in the stillness
before a raging
storm brewing
or beyond

or do we hear
the harshness of Satan
You're right, you're right
No one cares
You'd be better off
without them
You're right, they're wrong
they don't love you,
find another
they don't care
find someone who does

find another
find someone

The answer is not found
The answer is not found
in Another person
Another life
More money
Bigger house
Nicer car
Nicer clothes
Better job
Better health

None of this fulfills us

The Lord
what we need
when we need it
But we have to look to Him

The Lord
shows us the way
Are we paying attention
Are we listening
Are we following
Are we obeying

The Lord
seeks you
not to pull you down
not to destroy you
but to build you up
to create in you
a sense of belonging,
an aliveness

The Lord loves you
Does Satan

The Lord wants your best always
Does Satan

The Lord Jesus died for you
Did Satan
What did Satan do for you
What does Satan really do for you

Are you deadened
to the sounds

or are you alive?

(c) July 24, 2012 

July 23, 2012

What do you desire?

Anger stirred
Voices raised
The Lord dismayed

Satan gleeful
thinks he has won
thinks he has the upper hand
thinks we are doomed
to go the way he desires --
away from The Holy One

But we are not
The Lord intervenes
The Lord guides
We listen,
we desire,
yet we fear

The Lord asks,
Where is your trust
Where is your faith
Why do you hang on
to baggage
that serves no useful good
that causes you to stumble
Why do you allow
your past to remain in your present
and worse, into your future

To remember is one thing,
to keep it constant before you
You became a new creation
when you professed faith in Me

Why have you fallen
Why have you listened to another

I know why

I have said and say again,
Let your yes be YES
and your no NO
Not wishy-washy
Not in-be-tween
Not whatever

Either you are with Me
or you are against Me
Either you follow Me
or you follow another
Either you love Me
or you love another

You cannot have and not have
You cannot love, yet hate
the same
You are or you're not
Don't be lukewarm.

The apologies owed
belong to Me

It is Me
you ultimately
come against

You want my forgiveness?!
You must seek it
to receive it

I desire a loving relationship
with you … what do you desire? 

(c) July 23, 2012

July 17, 2012

Where is God? Where are you?

A morning read
gives pause to think,
“Technology is
the power
with which the earth
for human beings
controls them.”

We are being ruled
The world rules us
We do not have
a one-on-one relationship
with The One
with the Lord Jesus
We do not see
the world as God’s creation,
but as something we created.

We are the controllers.
But we are not
We merely think we are
and we do our utmost
to get
what we believe
is ours, belongs to us,
at every turn

without seeking guidance
from the Lord above
without following
His instruction for our living

We die – inwardly
We are lost
and afraid
We want what once
we shared.
It is fading

What is important
What do you do
to bring what matters more,
what matters most
What can you do
Where do you look
How can you feel different
How can you be
what you want to be
What are you willing to change
What are you willing to do
for  yourself
for each other
for your children
for all your loved ones
How do you respond
when you are worn out
working long hours
at home
or away from home
for each other
for the family
for a better life

Do you know God
Do you have an ongoing relationship
with Him
Yes, but no

Bring yourself back
Ask His forgiveness
Remember when
you accepted Him as your Lord,
your Savior
Remember when
He was your first love
Remember when
you would do anything for Him
Have you lost that
Have other things crowded Him out

He needs to remain
He is the grounding wire
He is our foundation
Our lives
past present future
depend on Him
He is our All in All
All the Time
Not when
it might appeal to us

He waits
He wants you back
He desires the relationship
He misses the relationship He once shared
with you

Where are you
You can do all things
through Him who gives
you strength

Your strength wanes
Your tiredness escalates
You say things
spout off words that bring pain
You no longer care
You want it all to end
You want peace

At what price
will you pay
to have it your way
and will it be enough
will you have the peace you crave

Where oh where
have we come
where are we going
where is God
where are you?
(c) July 17, 2012


July 12, 2012

The call - the answer?

God calls
In the midst of where we are
God’s messenger
The Holy Spirit
is calling us
to life
within the Christian community
of Jesus Christ
A life of
trust and faith
and obedience
A life of patience, forgiveness
and kindness
A life of hope
A life of love
We answer
Our response
may be “Yes, Lord?”
or it
may be “What now!
Be gone
I have no time for you
My life is not yours
Be gone I say
I’m doing things my way!”
The call
goes forth
God does the choosing
He has picked us personally
for a specific work
His work
And we have answered
The call
goes forth
and again
one day
He stops
He no longer calls
And although
we may now be
It is too late
The call
into your heart and soul
We answer

a new life
A Beginning

the old life
The old well-worn path
of sin  to
The End.
 (c) July 12, 2012

July 11, 2012

Tiredness explosion ... Will you forgive me Lord?

within me
Through the night
I slept
awake briefly
when a phone
I heard ring
but nothing more
Sleep on
to awaken
to morning light
like dust
and glue
swells at every
slight movement
It is
a tiredness

Can it be better?
Surely the tiredness
cannot retain
its pounding grip
on me
God will not allow it

But, alas,
He does allow
The tiredness
sinks in
and down
and I am
swallowed up
in  physical,
and even
mental pain
that worms its way
through every crevice
to be found
in and through
the day.

It was a new day
God created it
and I had places to go
and things to do
and people to see
I had to be about
my Father’s business

Satan had to trip me up
what was bad
got worse
and dismal
and sad
and through it all
I remained oh so
very tired.

Back where I
this day
I am
I’m sorry Lord
I messed up
Will you forgive me?
Please help me
do better
and the
many morrows
after too.

 (c) July 11, 2012

July 09, 2012

There are always some ...

There are always some
who do not believe
Their unbelief
does not make God
any less faithful
does not make God’s
call of judgment
any less righteous

He is the great
Not like Houdini
who could work magic
God is no magician
He is True
He is Faithful
He is Patient
He is All-Powerful
He is Our Creator
He is Our Redeemer
He is The Alpha and The Omega

You who do not believe
in Him
and His Son
are damned

You live your life
and you die

It’s final …. But

Believers and unbelievers alike
will face the
final judgment seat,
will hear
His  response.

We cry,
“Yes, but …”

But His answer
is adamant
Depart from Me!
I never knew you!

“Depart you cursed ones
into the everlasting fire
prepared for the Devil
and his demons”
  (Matthew 25:41)

I was hungry and thirsty,
lonely and naked
I was sick
and where were you?
You didn’t provide me food
or drink
You didn’t invite me in
to fellowship
You didn’t provide me
with clothes to wear
You didn’t care for me

You denied Him
You went your own way

Eternal punishment
is your reward.

That is The End.

deemed righteous
through the shed blood of the Lamb,
the Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the Father,
will too stand before their maker.

“Well done thy good and faithful servant”
(Matthew 25:21)
is the Lord’s response

Eternal Life
Is your reward

And that is only The Beginning 

(c) July 9, 2012

July 08, 2012


Doubts come
Sometimes we just pass through them 
They are fleeting
Gone within moments

Other times 
doubts come
and bring us down 

We clamor to get out
but the walls of 
keep us closed in 

No one reaches out
No one says
No one says
"Join the group" 
"We need you" 

And our doubts
become fears
And our fears 
lead us down a path
we don't want to follow 
yet we go 

Won't someone please! 
Lord, help me
I don't like this place 
I don't like 
these insecurities
battling within 

Where is the Light?!

And Jesus answers,
I am here, my child
I am always with you
The walls 
do not have to cave in 
and smother you 

Take my hand child, 
grasp hold
I will not let you go 
You are indispensable to me
You are mine
I love you. 
(c) July 8, 2012

July 07, 2012

Our differences can unite us

God’s image
The image of love
different in each individual

We are similar, yes
yet vastly different

It is our differences
that can unite us
divide us
if in word or deed
it is not in the name of Jesus
to whom we give thanksgiving and praise

Our differences
separate us
not always to destroy
not always to build up

We are created
in the image of God
the image of love


All are created in this image
But not all follow,
not all obey
The Master

Our differences --
they do separate us
not always to destroy
not always to build up

God’s wrath strikes
when our differences
become our destruction
and our personal, unique
likes and dislikes
become the only way to live

God’s image
is not perverted
is not impure
is not greedy
is not evil
is not hateful
is not divided

Our differences
the color of our skin
the shape of our body
the social or economic conditions of our land
housing conditions
work climate

These differences can separate us
bring us together

Jesus came
in the midst of differences
because of love
for us all

He came to show
True Love
True Compassion
True Gentleness
True Patience
True Forgiveness

He came to offer you
Eternal Security
Hope forevermore

He died for you
He gave His life
He paid the price

Yet He lives!

and so can you

In the Image of God

July 7, 2012

July 04, 2012

Unity brings peace

Only through Jesus are we bound to each other
do we find unity
a life of loving and serving
as one

Without Him
we are tripped up
stuck in our personal egos
becoming despondent;
we are deceived,
wary, uncertain
of the true way to go.

We need each other -
Christian brother
Christian sister
speaking the word of God
acting upon God's command
in love, with love
so there will be no discord
only peace.
(c) July 4, 2012

July 02, 2012

To you, with love

He loves you
He chose you
for your beauty
He sees
your fears and insecurities
your longings
your desires and dreams
your agonies
  past mistakes
 present heartbreak
future ones to come
He loves you
He cherishes you
He brings you to him
united forever
He soothes your brow
enfolds you with loving embrace
shields you from painful word and action
that come against
He surrounds you
with Truth
love and joy
and peace
He begs you to turn away
from the evil one
who seeks to destroy
your life
your husband
your family
your unit
your love for each other
He loves you
He doesn’t waiver.
Isn’t it enough?
He loves you
He chose you
He united you
He is with you
He is waiting
for you
for you and he
to come,
to realize
there is much to be and do
much to hold on it
much to build up together
He desires
a relationship
not separate from each other
but a union with Him
a Oneness. 

(c) July 2, 2012