April 29, 2014

He opens our ears and our hearts ... and we ...

We hear
We go forth in response
to the Holy Spirit’s nudging
We begin a new chapter
in this journey called Life

We seek to be obedient
to our Lord’s commands
We read and study and meditate
on His word
We strive to comprehend
the language
that seems foreign to us
and how His words
of wisdom
apply to us personally

We are passionate
about Him – Jesus,
who loved us so so much
He, sent by His Father
came to Earth
He became the ultimate sin offering -
His life for ours
a debt we can never repay
His love for us
brought Him here to us
He offers a new life
a life born
from above
the pure, unblemished
lamb of God
sentenced to a brutal death
on a cross

Yes, we are passionate
His death and burial
gave way
to victory
Victory – Hallelujah!
Praises to His name
He is risen!
Risen from the grave
Risen from death
He has overcome
the power of
sin and Satan
of death and darkness

We are passionate
We go forth
into our communities
We are witnesses
to the Gospel
In what we say,
how we act

We strive to stay true
to the path
God has directed our steps to take

In the midst of our walk
with the Lord Jesus
we are challenged
by situations and events
by other individuals
who can become deterrents
to the way
God desires for us

We falter
We fear God can’t or won’t use us
because of mistakes,
errors in judgment
because of what others say

We hope we are wrong
We remember
King David and Bathsheba
a man after God’s own heart
Still, he did wrong
He sought forgiveness
from the Almighty God
and was granted asylum,
given rest

We remember God’s word
and hold fast
to His promises
even when there are others
not of similar thought

We move from one
chapter to another
in our journey of life
Encouraged by some
Put down by others

Yet, we remember again
God is with us --
We who are one with Him
He is always present
ready to listen
to teach
to discipline
to enable
to love

We are reminded
of His grace
and His mercy
and His love
of our need to
Trust Him
and be obedient
to do and go
as the Lord leads us,
each personally

God is the one
who opens our eyes
and our hearts

We do not all see the same
Circumstances in our lives vary
It is our faith that opens
our understanding
and comprehension
of the Scriptures

We are called
To salvation – to the Good News
of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection

We are called
To go out into the world and share that Good News

We are called
To give honor through our worship and praise
To rejoice always
To  glorify God in All we say and do

We are called
To visit and heal the sick and downhearted

We are called
To give – joyfully
with kindness

We are called
To give thanks and be thankful in everything

We are called
To pray without ceasing
To study
To meditate on God’s word
To build up another
To speak truthfully, lovingly, patiently

We are called
To refrain from all appearances of evil

For some,
We are called
To be Teachers
and Preachers
and Pastors

God calls us
We do not call ourselves
It is that nudging
of the Holy Spirit
within us
that calls us to a
specific task

It is in our listening
and hearing
that we respond
favorably or not
to His voice

We will be equipped
The Lord Jesus
is our instructor
Our perfect example
As we go out
wherever it is
He is with us
He will provide us
with all we need
for whatever comes our way

The Lord says
to each of us
Trust Me
I will not steer you wrong
Follow Me
Stay near to Me
Do not lean on your own understanding
Without Me you can do nothing
With Me, all things are possible.
I AM with you always,
even to the end of the age.
Be still and know that I AM GOD.

“And he opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.”             (Luke 24: 45)

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4: 8)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him,  and He shall direct your paths..”  (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

“ I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”  (John 15: 5)

“… with God all things are possible.”  (Matthew 19:26)

“teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 20)

“Be still, and I know that I am God” (Psalm 46: 10)

(c) April 28-29, 2014

April 24, 2014

In bondage?

“There are many plans in a man’s heart; Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel – that will stand.” (Proverbs 19:21)

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27)

Distractions creep in
We need to respond to His initiatives
Listen for His voice
amid all that goes on in our day
Bring to mind His words
The Holy Scriptures

We plan
Make room for changes --
changes brought about by God

If we are preoccupied
with planning
or even complaining
about this and that
we miss
the still small voice of God

Let God show you a better way
We all need a
“closer walk with thee”

For all we do
We need to keep Christ at the center
of our focus
and not just around the perimeter
striving to get in

Don’t let  your day
be all about you
Let it be about God
about Christ
and your relationship with Him

Listen! To the Lord
at all times
He has much to say to us
Much He wants us to know
and understand
Walk with the Lord
and not your own agenda
Keep your eyes on the Lord
He equips you for whatever the task
He shows us the way
He is our best example
Seek His will at every turn
Spend time with Him
He will never take you down the wrong path
Trust Him
He is always with you.

But what about you …

Are you always with Him?
Do you seek Him out in
every circumstance,
every situation,
every life event?

Are you one with Him
on the same plane

have you taken yourself
down a road
that does not include
Our Savior
The Very One
who took your sins
upon Himself
and died for you.
He set you free.

Why do you remain in bondage?
(c) April 24, 2014

April 21, 2014

Is the world winning?

Saul came to know Christ
Saul who once threatened and murdered His followers
was now one of them
one with them
Committed to proving the man Jesus,
crucified on the cross at Calvary,
is Christ,
The Son of God.

Saul the persecutor
Paul the preacher
a chosen vessel of God
to boldly bear the name of Christ
before the gentiles far and wide.

And the churches
were at peace with one another
and built up
and were multiplied.

The churches
We are the churches.
A body of believers
by the Gospel of Jesus Christ
meeting  with fellow believers
in fellowship
and worship
of the Living God.
Walking among the lost
who do not know
Walking in reverence
of the Lord,
mindful of The Holy Spirit
who guides us,  comforts us.

We may sometimes be built up
and enriched
But are we bold?
Do we move among the many
who do not know
nor see
nor understand?

We are to fear the Lord
show reverence
and boldly go and share
the Good News

But we are many
whose fear  has grown inward
We fear ourselves
our responses
and those of others
Less positive and uplifting,
More negative and degrading
More contention within and among  the churches

Our reverence for the Lord is present
but building up each other
has taken a back seat.
And we are not as bold.
Only a few go forth
Only a few demonstrate
God’s love and listen and hear and obey
Only a few read and study and meditate
on His word.
Only a few are willing.

We are the gentiles
We make up the churches multiplied
since the days of Paul and Peter and John
and many others
But we are not increasing
We are dwindling

and we wonder why

Is it our lack of boldness?
our  lack of reverence?
our lack of faith in the Holy Spirit who abides in us?
our lack of building up one another?

Is this the cause?

Have we turned away from our first Love?

Is the world winning? 

We are believers in Christ.
We accepted Christ as our Savior and King.
We invited Him into our hearts to take up residence
to show us how to live in peace with Him at the helm.

“Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.”  ~ Acts 9:31

(c) April 21, 2014

April 19, 2014

The veil is torn

The veil torn
in the Holy of Holies
inner sanctum
a singular place
God’s sanctuary

When Jesus died
His life blood
blood and water
His side pierced
as foretold

His death
the end
What now
would His followers do
Where would they go
Hopelessness resonated

Jesus died
It was afternoon
Yet evening
total darkness
Rocks trembled
The earth opened
and the veil

Before Jesus said,
“It is Finished,”
He feared
separation from His Father
but He knew
that moment
had to be fulfilled

It was The Plan
The Plan to
save the world
the people of the world
you and me
from eternal

Jesus died.
The struggle over,
He reunited
with The Father
He was at Peace

Jesus died
and the veil
was torn

No more
would we need
to go to a priest
to pray for us

We have Jesus
as our intercessor
to pray for
and over us,
to confess to,
to forgive us our sins

We can go straight to Him
The One
who died
to set us free
The pure,
for all eternity,
forever and ever.
(c) April 19, 2014 

April 14, 2014

My hope is in Jesus

“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.” ~ Hebrews 6”19

This hope
received through Jesus Christ
whose death, burial and resurrection
brought new life
to all who believed
and believe today
in Him
His promises
Showing us
The Way
The Truth
to victorious life

This hope – Jesus
is our anchor – our Rock
in Him
Through Him
we are grounded,
made strong.

My hope
is in Jesus
He is my life preserver
My place of refuge
and rest
My Savior
My King
My Confidant
My Intercessor
The Holy Spirit within me
My Everything

In Him I trust.

 (c) April 14, 2014

April 11, 2014

This IS The Day

“This is the day the Lord has made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
(Psalm 118:24)
We should rejoice,
but instead, we complain,
especially about the weather.
We should be glad,
but instead, we are dismayed, displeased.

Today – the sun is shining, the skies are blue.
But for many days past,
skies have been cloudy, dark,
winter has left its mark.

We can be dismal
when the weather is good
We can be cheerful
when the weather is bad

We let our circumstances
control our feelings
and we forget
this day – each day
is created by the Lord.
We have failed to give Him
His due – our thankfulness.

This IS the Day the Lord has created.
Yesterday too, tomorrow as well.
We WILL rejoice
We WILL be glad

 For without This Day, 
where would you be?
Who would you be?
Would you be at all?

(c) April 11, 2014

God's still small voice is louder than our anxiety

Anxious thoughts permeate our minds
and we go down paths that do not uplift us
But God --
do you hear Him?
His still small voice
is louder than our anxiety
IF we’re listening.
Be calm My child, He says
I will provide for you
in the midst of the circumstances
that surround you
and bring fear to your being.
Keep your focus totally on Me
and none other
Talk to Me throughout the day
If you listen, you will hear
If you hear, then let your action
be obedience to Me.
I will be with you.
Trust Me.
(c) April 11, 2014

April 08, 2014

I miss you

I miss you
You are home, resting
So tired and achy
feeling poorly

I miss you
seeing you
and visiting with you
It has been so long
The phone visits
just aren’t enough

Someday soon
The Lord will whisper,
“Anna, it’s time … I have your room ready.”

And you will go.

To Jesus,
the author and finisher
of your faith,
whose love
you have so willingly shared
with family and friends,
neighbors and even strangers

To Ray,
your husband of many years
who has been waiting
for your arrival
on heaven’s shore
these past 17 years

To your little boy,
whose untimely death
brought such sadness
to your heart

and to countless more --
your parents,
brothers and sisters
extended family
and friends

I miss you Miss Anna
“my adopted mommy”
I miss you
I miss the fellowship of love
we share

Yet you are not gone
Your voice still lingers
growing fainter
with each passing moment

I do miss you.
I remember too …
things you have said --
Stay true to the Lord
Abide in Him, with Him
Be joyful, thankful
See the good, the positive

Time slumbers on
The years of joy and laughter,
tears and sorrow
will soon be no more.
I miss you.

(c) April 8, 2014

April 05, 2014

God invites you to come and stay, commands you to go

Do not refuse to go
to be surrounded
by those who do not follow Jesus
When we do, we do not live
nor love
as Jesus
We are not seeking
the lost and downtrodden
But instead stay within the comforts
of our homes
going about
living as we believe is The Way.

Jesus alone is The Way, The Truth, The Life.

When we do not follow His way,
obey His Truth,
live His Life,
we are not truly His
Not worthy

God invites you to come

But you are not willing
Other plans are more important
Your farm, your business, your family --
anything and everything ranks higher
You are not interested

An invitation means readying yourself
for the occasion.
You don’t have time

God extends the invitation to others
to the poor and maimed, the hopeless
He searches the highways and byways
those without education, without jobs,
without a roof over their heads,
with mouths to feed, those fearful and disheartened

God searches
and again
He invites you to come

and you accept

God invites you to stay
to be still,
to spend time alone with Him
a quiet time
of study and meditation and prayer
to seek His will
Not your will,
for this day

Without staying, abiding with Him,
how can we grow
how can we know
what we are to do

God commands you to go
to partner with Him
and be witnesses to Him

Did you accept His invitation
to come
to stay
Did you obey His command
to go

All three are necessary.

When we come to Him,
to grow
we must stay with Him,
seek Him always
Abide in His will
to share His message
of love and forgiveness,
we must go,
be obedient
to His every command,
seek out others
(c) April 5, 2014

April 02, 2014

With boldness and power

“And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.” ~ Acts 4:31

They prayed
Peter and John
and other followers
They prayed
They were all filled
with the Holy Spirit
They spoke
the word of God
with boldness
and with great power
they went out
and witnessed to many
the resurrection
of the Lord Jesus.

When we pray
when we accept
Jesus Christ as our personal
Lord and Savior
and His eternal gift
of freedom from sin
and hopelessness
of Salvation
We too are filled
with the Holy Spirit
We receive His Peace
and His Power.
They received
and we receive.


What have we done
What do we do
Something holds us back

For all the Peace and Power
and Boldness
we have been given
we seem to remain fearful

We seem to believe more in what the world says
to us, than all that Jesus has said
and continues to say in His word.

Who do we really follow?
Who is our master and king?
Who do we really trust?
Who do we really follow?
(c) April 2, 2014

April 01, 2014

Are you afraid too?

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.  And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.  But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves,  saying, "What shall we do to these men? For, indeed, that a notable miracle has been done through them is evident to all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.  But so that it spreads no further among the people, let us severely threaten them, that from now on they speak to no man in this name."  ~ Acts 4: 13-17

Men were afraid of Jesus
when He walked the earth
afraid of His power
and how He excited the many
to whom He spoke

Men were afraid of Jesus
when His disciples walked the earth
afraid still of the power
in Jesus’ name
and how they healed the sick and the lame

Men were afraid of Jesus
In His life
His death
His resurrection
They were afraid of Jesus
and the peace
He bestowed
on His followers

Let it not spread
Squash it before it goes further
Imprison them
Let it be known
punishment will come

Men were afraid of Jesus
Men still are
Seeking to devour and destroy
all that is done
in His Holy Name

But I am not afraid
Are you?

Will you stand tall
Will we go forth
into all corners of the world
and share Jesus
the one who brings peace
and is our peace?
(c) April 1, 2014