December 24, 2016

A star led the wise men to Jesus

The wise men came
who knew their wisdom
astrologers ... were they? 

following a star
seen in the east
to lead them
guide them
to ...

God's glory
full of wonder
and splendor
and majesty

the babe lying 
in a manger
The Lord Jesus

To their knees
they bow
these wise men
who came
in praise
and honor
and worship

bringing gifts
The Holy One
King of Kings
Lord of Lords

Are we
so wise? 

Do we follow
the Lord's lead?

Do we look up ...
Bow down?

Do we know
who He is ...
The Almighty One

Is He
your King
your Lord? 

(c) December 22-23, 2016

The Lord beckons

"To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." - Luke 1:79

"Let the peace of God rule in your hearts ... be thankful." - Colossians 3:15 

Emptiness gnaws
Hopelessness threatens

The Lord stands firm
His hand open, beckons

My Presence
is the Light
you need

My Presence
is the Completeness
you seek

be filled
with My Love
My Hope
My Peace

Let the Light of
My Presence
upon you
wash over you
pulse through you

 (c) December 24, 2016

November 08, 2016

Lord, You tell us ...

“Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.”   ~ Psalm 37:3-4

Based on Psalm 37

Dear Lord,
You tell us not to fret
to trust You
to do good
to live in this place and feed on Your faithfulness
to delight ourselves in You
to commit our way to You
to continue trusting You
to rest in You
to wait patiently for Your answers
to not fret over what may or may not come
to not be angry
to not fret
You remind us again and again.

You tell us
You know our days
You know those who stand with You and for You
are not ashamed in the evil time
and in the days of hunger are satisfied
and show mercy and give

You, Lord, tell us
the steps to take
and when we fall
You help us up
to begin again
You do not give up
You are beside us
All the way.

Woe, is he and she and me
who fail to delight in You
and Your every provision

Cast down, forsaken
are our feelings
in our heads
But not really real, not truly true
God loves us
God sent His son, Jesus,
to die for us, He loved, loves us
so much.

The Lord does not forsake us
It is not He who walks away
and lets us walk alone
We forsake ourselves
We believe every wrong
every lie
We walk a path we believe
is our destiny,
however crappy it may be

The Lord is ever merciful
He showers us with countless blessings
Every new day a blessing awaits

You tell us Lord,
to depart from evil
to do good

Your law in our hearts
is Your desire

You do not condemn what is Yours

You tell us
to wait on You
to keep Your way
to rely on You,
Your strength (not our own)
in time of trouble

You, Lord, will help us
will deliver us
will save us
our Trust,
our Faith
is in You.

(c) November 6 and 8, 2016

September 17, 2016

Am I ...Are you?

Am I
Are you

Do I
Do you
try to please
a spouse
a friend?
gain or lose
what really counts

Do I
Do you
look higher
than ourselves
above the clouds
past the sun and moon
to the Lord Jesus
He who guards
my soul
and yours

Do I
Do you
find fulfillment
our Savior
or are we ourselves
the answer to our
eternal destiny?

Will I
Will you
run the race of life
with Jesus
as our pilot?

If I
If you
are unhappy, lonely, disappointed
will anyone care
Is it up to me or you
to fix what is broken
because no one else
is willing
to open their heart
and enter into
our burdens carried?

If I
If you
are angry, frustrated
will another answer
in like manner?

If I am stronger
than you
if I am weaker
than you
does that mean
one of us has no need?

When will it matter
When will you care
Must I, must you
be what we are not
to receive what we desire?

Lo, but

The Lord
to Him
me and you matter
He cares
He is here
beside me, beside you
surrounding us

Do I
Do you too
often miss Him
Fail to grasp His hand
Speak His name
Realize He is there
right where
you and I

my cry
your cry
only heard
by us
Or do others
hear and listen
what is not spoken?

Does the Lord?

Do I
Do you
feel warmth
or are we
left in the dark
with only ourselves?

Do I
Do you

Call upon the Lord

Will I
Will you

Seek His guidance

If I
If you

Pray in His name

Will I
Will you

be more full
more satisfied
more truthful
more self-controlled
more peaceful
more joyful
more patient
more faithful
more gentle
more kind
more obedient
more trusting
more encouraging
more content
more forgiven
more loving
more grateful
more faithful

More like Jesus?

(c) Sept. 15-17, 2016

September 04, 2016

Soaring high

I attempt
an audience
of one
to reach
but fail.

Deep in thought
it appears
to another

There are no clouds

The sky blue
until early evening light
and glows
warm oranges
and pinks
and I know
God is near.

His presence
reminds me
He is near always

He sees
our every circumstance
knows our every turmoil
our desires and dreams

 our tiredness
and night

He sees our stupidity
He knows we must wait
for what is to come

He sees our glad
and happy occasions

Be still, He says

Be still
when we don’t know
where we go
or why it is
or how it will be

Be still.

I AM here.
I AM there.
Wherever you are
the quiet stillness
before the storm

Stay focused on Me
and you will be free,
soaring like the eagle
high and higher above.
(c) September 3-4, 2016

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might He increases strength. … those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40: 28-29, 31

“Be still and know that I AM God.” – Psalm 46:10

August 19, 2016


“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.” – Psalm 37:7


Emptiness fills
Lost and alone
wandering down paths
thought to bring
but only
more destruction
your gaze

The darkness
settles in

Love fails
to fill
the deep despair
of your soul

the Holy Spirit whispers

The Lord God

Connection to what is good
and true
and complete
cut, snapped in two
You think it’s all about you

The Lord reigns
Satan was and is defeated
at the cross

The Lord judges

One day
sooner than known
He will return
and you will be judged
and your punishment
will be made known

and you will see
how little is about you

The Beginning
The End
The Way
The Truth
The Life

You are Nothing
without ME !

© August 19, 2016

August 18, 2016

Where IS your Love for ME?

God wants to know...
Why, My Child
have you left Me?
Where is your love for Me?

I was No. 1

Now hate and anger and defiance
take precedence

 and you have no need for ME

Have you forgotten so much!?
I AM He who created you
I AM your Savior
I AM your Deliverer
I AM your Teacher

It is My Commandments
you are to follow

 not the leadings of the world
 AM He who fights for what is right and true
 I AM He who fights against all Evil

Where is your love for Me?
© August 18, 2016

August 16, 2016

A sign

"What sign will you perform then, that we may see it and believe You? What work will You do?" - John 6:30

and we
me too
we all
for a sign
a sign
to show us
O Holy One
Lord Most High

We say
if we see
we will

But our vision
is cloudy
Our eyes
open wide
are darkened
by a veil
we see
if anything
of what
has to show us.

A sign
He sends the rainbow
cloud formations
Do we look up
Do we yet believe?!

we do not.

We talk
Big talk
Meaningless chatter

In all our talking,
is it
with the Lord
and do we
for His response
Are we
to His wisdom,
His instruction

We say
if we
we would
is The Way
The Truth
The Life
but do we
Is it His doctrine
we cling to

We turn away
to a world
of make believe
We ask for a sign
but then
we stop up our ears
and go
our own way

A sign
A sign
We want a sign
You say the world is dying
How can that be?!
What is there
that we have missed?

Our eyes
Our ears
Even our hearts
are closed

The signs
have been given
But we do not
for we are blind
we do not hear
for we are deaf
we do not understand
for our hearts are as hard as stone

A sign --
we must
look beyond
beyond ourselves
to the Lord
Focus on Him
for everything
His Life
His Truth
His Way


© August 16, 2016

July 30, 2016

He is everywhere....

My Presence is everywhere 
you see it
in the rainbow
the sunset
changing of leaves in the fall
the oceans
the mountains
the flowers
and at birth

Some of you rejoice
declaring its magnificence
Thanking Me for the beauty and wonder
of My creation.

Did you know that is worship?

Everywhere you go
I am there
I surround you

Are you thankful
for My every provision?

or do you find fault
with the gifts you receive?

“Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”  - Psalm 29:2

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” – Isaiah 6:3

© July 30, 2016

July 29, 2016

The Lord sees your secret sins

The Lord sees you
He hears you
He knows your heart
Every secret sin
you hide from another
is known by the Lord God

Do not think
your sins are safe
for they are not
You proclaim faith in the Lord Jesus
Yet you do not spend time
with Him – praying and studying His word
Your secret sins control you
Your life revolves around a fantasy world
that you treat as reality.

“O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.” – Psalm 119:1-3

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” – Psalm 119:23-24

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” – I John 4:18

Do not allow your secret sins to destroy you
Come into His Presence
Let His Love for you
seep into your every pore

“…He who begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6

© July 29, 2016 

July 28, 2016

His Light shines, His brightness prevails

His Light shines
His brightness prevails

Many though fail to see
as eyes cloud over
ears plug up
hearts harden

Heartlessness rules
Selfish living dominates
a world filled with
cruelty, evilness, death

His Light shines
His brightness prevails
overcoming the darkness

Love within
spreads out
and beyond

The path of goodness
reaches past
the monotonous days
of living for self
to the
fulfilling days
of living for God

Seek the Light
The Light of Jesus
Seek Meaning
The Love of Jesus
Seek Truth
The Truth of Jesus
Seek Life
Seek Jesus

Open your eyes
so you may perceive
past yourself
to those around you

“for the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – I Samuel 16:7b

Open your ears
so you may understand
the Truth of the Living God
past your own reasoning

“O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past – stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders.” – Psalm 78: 1-4

Open your heart
so you may embrace
the Love of the Lord
and of those around you
past selfishness

“The Lord your God will delight in you if you obey his voice and keep the commands and decrees written in this Book of Instruction, and if you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and soul. This command I am giving you today is not too difficult for you to understand, and it is not beyond your reach.” – Deuteronomy 30: 10-11

© July 28, 2016

July 13, 2016

Our Prayer

We pray
We ask
What is Your will, Lord
Is it moving
Is it staying put
Is it going
and doing
Is it leaving

You said go and do
We go, we do

You said do not move
You said stay
We stay

You said
I will tell you when your time is finished
We have not heard Your answer

Fear steps in
Worry and anxious moments
threaten our well-being

What is Your will, Lord

You said Trust Me
Do we trust
We say we trust
But are we

Is our fear of the unknown greater than our trust in You

Oh, be it not so
Remove the fear Lord
Remove the anxiety
Keep us ever mindful of You

It is not about us
Not about our desires
Not about the desires of a church body

It is all about You
Your will

Let Your will be done Lord Jesus
You and You alone

Help us trust you more
Help us to remain grateful, ever thankful
Help us continue to be and go and do
all that is Your will.

In Your Name we pray.


July 10, 2016

What do the shadows say?

What do the shadows say?

So still
quietness before
the storm erupts

and then it begins
ever so slightly
becomes louder and louder still

If you don't hear
is there no sound?

Sounds of silence
at early light
havoc breaks free
the end coming
the sun shines

The son watches
God His Father
Will He save the many
for just one
Is there one
Will the Holy Spirit
be heard above the noise

What do the shadows say?

The sun
settles upon the darkness
Only His Light
can remove
the blackness of your soul

Satan grips tighter
Destruction his perfect plan
Death his ultimate goal
There is no tomorrow in hell
Only one torment after another.

Come into My Light and Live
The Way, The Truth, The Life
There is no other.

Through Me
Life Evermore

What do the shadows say?
is the noise booming louder
or do you hear the still
small voice of God

Ar you one with Him  --
the called, the chosen, the faithful

are you among those
who make war
with the Lamb

Do not be deceived.
The shadows play games with your mind,

but the Lamb,
the Lamb who was slain
for every sin
past present and future,
is the Lord of lords
and King of kings
He - the Lamb of God -
Jesus Christ
is the overcomer
and He WILL
overcome them.

(c) July 10, 2016
Cathy Orrick Luders

"These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful."  _ Revelation 17:14

July 09, 2016

Do you need reprogramming?

Do you need reprogramming?

No! - you're not a robot, you say

But actions deceive
over and over
consistently the same

The Lord

Our Father in heaven,
who created you

His Son Jesus Christ,
who died for you

His Spirit,
who lives within you

tells us to

Stop listening to the noise of the world and
to your own negative thinking

Hear Me! 

Hear My voice
speaking softly to you

Ask Me
My Spirit
to quiet your mind
remove the deafening sounds
that explode within you

Come to Me
Do not fear

I will give you what you need

"Do not be conformed (or molded) to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." _ Romans 12:2

July 08, 2016

Answers ...


We always wait
and God reveals --
sometimes all at once
but mostly bits and pieces
in His good time.

We think we understand
His word to us
but then we doubt
whether we heard it at all.


Sometimes yes
Sometimes no
but mostly just plain wait


and continue to go
continue to do

The end will be greater
than the beginning

and what does that mean?!

wherever He leads
whenever the time

His answer
will come to us all
For it is His answer
that matters most --
more than any other.

Continue to go
Continue to do
Be My Light
to those who reside in the darkness
who have lost their way
who fail to see all they have and/or could have.


1 "Hear my prayer, O Lord, Give ear to my supplications! In your faithfulness answer me, And in Your righteousness. 7 Answer me speedily, O Lord; My spirit fails. Do not hide Your face from me, Lest I be like those who go down into the pit. 8 Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies, In You I take shelter. 10 Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness."  -- Psalm 143 

April 21, 2016


"For I know the plans I have for you, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11) 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

For what reason

you hurt
let me be

But they did not

all hurt



for you

Will you
not live
for Him? 

No one
not one
is less than
All precious
to God


Think about Jesus
Think about His love for you
Think about His plans for your future

You fall
the pit deeper
Endless misery
when to end

But hope whispers
picked up
brushed off
taken in

God is
bad choices
swallow you

But hope whispers
Do not be afraid
His hand extended
Another chance

You accept His hand
cling to life

Will you accept His love
freely given?

Will you accept His guidance
to direct your steps?

Will you accept Him as your Lord, your Savior?

Will you become a new man, discarding the old? 

(c) April 20, 2016

April 18, 2016

Rise Above

We share
We help
We feel
We see
looks of disdain
We are
closes in.

God says
Rise Above.

do not
build up
only say
how far
has to go
Looking down
as if to pass

Are we so good?
Our thinking,
remove us
from reality.

God says
Rise Above.
It is
My Way
My Truth
My Life

fall down,
Rise Up,
Rise Above
the circumstances
of every moment
locked behind
invisible walls
in darkened minds.

Rise Up
Rive Above
into My Presence
Daily seek
and Follow Me
bring your awareness
of your need
to Me
Be thankful
for I give you

(c) April 18, 2016

April 02, 2016

He promises, He knows, He says, He Is

He promises
to meet all our needs.

He knows
exactly what our needs are.

 He says
is our deepest need.

 He says
bring about peace
through trusting in Him
in the midst of every trouble.

 He says
Focusing on Him
instead of the stones and weeds
that take up residence in our hearts
will bring us Peace.

 He says
will flourish
 when pride
and more
are kicked out.

 He says
 not for the world
not for the things of the world
but FOR YOU.

 He says
You are Mine.
I can do all things.
I AM all things.

 He says
Believing in Me
is good,
but even the demons

 I want a relationship with you.

 He says
I want a future for you,
a hope growing within you

 He says
I give you.

 In the world
there is only one struggle on top of another.
It is unending.

 He says
Come into My Presence
and listen
and hear
and do.

 Be Still.

He says
I arose from the grave!
Satan has not won
I am not defeated.

 He says
defeat does not live
in your heart.
I moved in
when you accepted Me
as your personal Lord and Savior.


I offer abundant life.


 Walk with Me

 and live life abundantly,

 in Victory.
(c) April 2, 2016

John 16:33 ~ “…In Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil,  to give you a future and a hope.”

Philippians 4:19 ~ “Any my God shall supply all you need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

James 2:19 ~ “You believe that there is one God, you do well. Even the demons believe – and tremble!”

March 31, 2016

Who do we please?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.”
~ Proverbs 3:5-7
Should we do that
Should we do this
Should we please you
… individually
or as a group
Should we please ourselves

wants this done
wants something else

And then there is the Lord
He too we hear
His word is different
than all the others
To please Him
we simply must be
in His Presence.
Meeting with Him daily
Listening to His counsel
Following His advice

We are bombarded

The Lord says to go
So we go
He says to stay
So we stay
Sometimes too He says to stop
Stop and wait
So we stop… and we wait

But some do not like
where we go
where we stay
and stopping and waiting
is just not reasonable thinking

The Lord says
+ to keep our focus on Him
+ to seek His kingdom, His righteousness
+ to follow His leading
+ to look at every circumstance for His provisions
+ to live our lives with His light
shining in us
shining upon us
shining through us
+ to share His love with everyone
+ to be still and know Him.

It is not the world
and not our Christian brothers and sisters
to whom we owe allegiance,
but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!
To Him
we must look first
for every answer, every need, every desire

Is not our faith in Him?
We trusted Him to save us … do we not trust Him with our day-to-day living?

 How can we say we trust the Lord,
but do not obey His commands, do not follow His  leading ?

 How can we pray for guidance and then  decide it is not enough?
 We need more.
We know what we need.
God doesn’t have a clue.

Are we sure our faith is in Him …
Are we sure we trust the Lord to guide us down the right path …
Are we sure He knows the way?

 No, we are not sure.

 We proclaim to be born-again Christians
and yet we live as though we control the universe.  

and we do not. 
(c) March 31, 2016

March 30, 2016

The best gift of all

Christ is me
The best gift of all
For without Him
all of me
all of life
is filled with distractions

It is not
what He does
what He gives
who He is
who He is in me

I only walk
through the motions
of the day-to-day grind
in the workplace
in home life
even in leisure time

Our bodies fail
and wither away

Our minds nod off
into dull senseless thought

 We are … nothing.

But we can be transformed.

born for us
lived for us
died for us
and three days later,
He arose
for us!

Christ is alive!
I too am alive
I must Be still
I must
come into His Presence…
I must
be alert
His every call
upon me

I must!
For if I am only
what is
and nothing more

God’s light in me
will never shine.

(c) March 27, 2016

Showered with blessings

The Lord says to me, I shower blessings on you daily, but sometimes you do not notice them. When your mind is stuck on a negative focus, you see neither Me nor My gifts.

The showers (of blessings) fall upon you

 Are you so unaware when things go contrary to the way you think is right
that you can not give another the benefit of the doubt?

Is the other always wrong?

Do you ever consider your perceptions might be faulty?

Do you go to your Father in heaven?

Do you ask for a better vision  of how you see things?

Do you seek the light of God whose presence defeats the very darkness that overwhelms and steals all that is good from you?

Do you knock daily, seeking a presence with His almighty Presence?

He lives in your heart.

He is with you always.


 Do you believe the day you accepted Him as your Savior was enough?

Do you wonder  … W
hat more could there be? 
                                                                                                      (c) March 21, 2016

Shadow of Emptiness

I am like a shadow
Cast upon the earth,
My worthiness being
That of dirt,
In darkness I am not known,
But in light my life is shown,
Nothing to glory in, nothing to own.
This is my destination,
For eternal condemnation.
But lo, I heard a voice,
God said I have a choice,
"My Son I send to thee
To be your Savior
To set you free.
He'll give you purpose and meaning
He'll give you a life worth living,
Believe in Him my beloved friend
For to His kingdom there is no end." 

(c) Donald Brayton, 1979

March 20, 2016

God knew ...

He heard the call
You Lord placed on his heart
He heard
and responded
If you please Lord, I will go
And he went
off to school
to learn and be equipped
to follow You wherever sent

Along the way
life crowded in
oh so merry
so very grand
but distractions
overtook and
the path
He was destined to follow
became overgrown
with fear and worry,
anger, lies

The call, still present
He knew it was there
God doesn’t say yes
and mean no

There was another voice
He heard in the darkness
No, you can’t!
You are done for
You’re a failure
You can’t
You can’t

The words echoed
in his mind

Many years
come and gone
He remembered
the call
the words spoken
by many
who could not condone
would not forgive

as if in a dream

a phone call comes

God remembered His child
God knew his heart
God sent him
for He knew he would go.
(c) March 20, 2016

March 18, 2016

And He wept ...

Behold, your King, My Son, is coming.
To you who gather He comes
lowly, as was His birth
astride a donkey … foretold
and regally,
a white horse His steed.

Jesus enters
The city
Your heart

To finish
To return
To restore
To carry you home
To conquer
To complete

Palms strewn at His feet
and hands lifted high in praise
cries of Hosanna! Save Us!
hammer the air
As His disciples proclaim,
“Blessed is He, the King, who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Peace in heaven and glory
in the highest!” (Luke 19:37-38)

But they knew not
was far from them
Rejoicing was in hope
of a “for the moment” fix
Wisdom and knowledge
as prophecy long foretold
not remembered.

And He wept.

 (c) March 18, 2016

March 07, 2016

Parenting and ...

Parenting and …
We know nothing firsthand
Yet we know much
Learned and still learning
when our grandson
and then later his brother
were born

We are not their grandparents
Yet we are

There are no blood ties
Yet heart strings pull hard

We love them so
We – Gramma and Papa
(c) March 7, 2016

March 03, 2016

Hearing Hearing

Hearing, Hearing
What do you hear
Are there many voices
vying for control
or just one
who bends your ear

Hearing, Hearing
What do you understand
of the words that are said
Do you know what is meant
when The One voice you hear stronger
is not yours alone

Hearing, Hearing
concentration a struggle
discernment more
So many voices
How do I know
one from another

Stay near
Walk close
The Lord Jesus says
Read My Word
Study My  Way
Follow My Life
Know My Truth

Hearing, Hearing
I wander
but the path is not rough
nor overgrown with weeds
Wherever I travel
I know the way
for the voice I need
is here beside me
One voice alone
I know His voice
and He knows mine
I hear
He speaks
I follow
His lead.
(c) March 3, 2016

“He who does not enter the sheep hold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”  ~ John 10:1-5

February 25, 2016

His Love ...

How wide
How long
How high
How deep
Beyond our comprehension
We can only imagine
A fullness we cannot experience
We must wait
until our time has come
and we see Him
face to face

Then we will not only know
but see and embrace Him –
The Lord Jesus Christ -
and His Love.

For now
there is much darkness
We struggle to focus
on His Light.

When we be still
in His Presence
His Light shines bright
glowing in us, through us, upon us
and the awareness of His Love
is enough
each and every day.
(c) February 24, 2016

February 18, 2016

He did, He did, He did

He did die
He died for all
He who knew no sin at all
took upon Himself
every one of ours

He did lie
3 days
in a tomb

He did rise
The Son of God
The stone did roll
The angel did say,
“Do not be afraid.
He is not here.
He is risen.
He is risen from the dead.”
(Matthew 28:5-7)

Alleluia! He is risen indeed!
He did give
He gave the gift
of eternal salvation
when we do accept
Jesus died for us all
each and every one

When Jesus rose from the dead
We too have risen
… from the deadness
of our sins
to new life

No longer to ourselves
are we to live
but to The One
whose life was given
as an
for ours.

He did
He did
He did

 He died
He rose
He gave

The death He died
and rose from too
Have you accepted
that gift He gave?

Have you become
a new creation?

Have old things
passed away?

(c) February 17-18, 2016

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
~ II Corinthians 5:17

February 15, 2016

The Lord says 'Come'

He says to come.

Come to the Father
bring  your brokenness
find comfort in Me

I will shelter you
I will give you rest
I will renew, revive

You are not alone
I am with you
Do not flounder

Ah, My child,
you belong to Me

I see your pain
your  every struggle
I see your fear growing
I see your tears flow

What another misses,
I do not.

I know the longings of your heart
the misery that has captured you

 I will guide you

 Dwell with Me

Do not succumb to thoughts
that pull you down

 Take My hand
We will walk this path together, My child
I will not leave you
I will not give up on you
I am forever with you

Look unto Me
Do not fall prey to what
is lurking out beyond

I am The Way
Follow Me
through the quiet stillness
and the dark shadows

 I am The Truth
Obey Me
My commands
My instructions

 I am The Life
It is My life within you
that changes you
 You are restored, renewed
Do not look back - Look Ahead
Do not look down - Look Up
(c) February 15, 2016

“For with God nothing will be impossible.” ~ Luke 1:37

“…He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” ~ Ephesians 3:20

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul, He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they cocomfort me.”  ~ Psalm 23: 1-4

February 12, 2016

That One - Jesus

Being aware
of where we be
needn’t  keep us
in what may come

Only one and ourselves alone
know where we be

Only one and He, the Lord
know what may  come

We long to be free
of every strike
and blow
every ache settling
in our bones

So aware
of all holding us down
we miss
The One
The Only One
up above
the reaches of our mind
yet so near

wherever you are
wherever you’ve been
wherever you think your going

The focus
belongs on the Lord

 Stay in the midst of
His awesome Presence

 Embraced within the arms of
His Precious Love

 Strengthened by
His Almighty Power

wherever you are
whatever may come

will come to pass

The One who knows
your every move and thought

 The One who knows
and tomorrow
and every today

 is with us always

His name

 That One


“I commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” ~ Psalm 37:5

“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:20

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.”
~ John 1:1-2

February 11, 2016

The light

The day is cold
The sun is bright
above a cloudless sky
oh what a sight
His light shines
our countenance grows
we less weary
by every weighty burden
we carry

But when the sun
where none can see
storm clouds gather
oh how frightening it be
The dark of day
The dark of night
away we run
looking for that precious light -

“If I say, Surely the darkness shall fall on me, Even the night shall be light about me; Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.”  ~ Psalm 139:11-12

February 08, 2016

The gift

The gift
He who died
in your place
took upon Himself
your sins, everyone

What have you done?
Is it all in vain?
Does the gift you received
remain unopened?
Is it likened to an empty box
with colorful paper
and a pretty bow
decorating a corner of your home
as if to say
“See what I have.”

What is it you have?
Have you opened the gift?
Have you shared its contents?

Or does the gift
just sit upon a shelf
gathering dust
with each passing day

Does the gift of Jesus
given and received
warm your heart
fill you with love
and compassion
and obedience

or does your heart
grow cold and numb
filling you with the ways of the world

Do you reflect God’s love
or Satan’s hate
in your life?
(c) February 8, 2016

II Corinthians 5:20-21, 6:1 “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us; we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.”

II Corinthians 13:5-8“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless indeed you are disqualified. But I trust that you will know that you are not disqualified. Now I pray to God that you do no evil, not that we should appear approved, but that you should do what is honorable, though we may seem disqualified. For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”

Galatians 5:25“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

I John 2:15-16“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.”

Read also Romans 1:17-32 and Galatians 5:16-26

February 07, 2016


enter into My Presence
wherever you are

find my goodness, my love, my guiding light

attentive to My every instruction
and the life you desire
with fullness of joy 

will be yours.

(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

February 7, 2016

Come - Seek - Stay


My Presence
My Peace 
My Rest 

(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

February 6, 2016

January 29, 2016


The sunlight of His Presence
floods my soul
Gladness comes to my heart
as the brightness of
His everlasting love
settles over me, within me
My eyes twinkle
My whole face shines
as joy surfaces
Songs of praise come to my lips
My head bows in prayerful worship

(c) January 29, 2016

January 18, 2016

It is what it is

I write 
The words
to mind
My pen
moves rapidly
with slow deliberation
across the page

I write
The words
to me
through the Spirit
of the Holy One
My Savior
My Guiding Light

I write
The words
It is poetry
from the heart
feel the rhythm
His Spirit
embracing you

I write
The words
renewed hope
and joy
and strength
into weary lives

I write
The words
God gives me

It is poetry
as are many
of the psalms
penned by
King David
in The Holy Bible

It is
as it is

from the heart
be it
in any form …
free verse
and more.

 I write
 The words

 The Lord
said to me
to write
He would direct
He would set the tone

 And it is so.
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders
January 18, 2016