June 05, 2013

God leads

God leads
We seek His direction
We follow the route deemed to be
We are relieved
assured we have chosen the best route
for we have asked …
and why would God lead us astray

But another
one like us
points out other routes
routes to the same end
shorter routes
less costly routes

But again
Is it the best route

We sought
We looked to the Lord for guidance
It was no foolhardy decision

Where we are to go
Where we do go
will be where God brings us

He knows the best route,
the best of everything we need
It is not always the shortest path
that leads us to where
God wants us to be

We will follow Him.

Another’s opinion is
worthy to be heard
But it is God’s answer
that we are to obey.
(c) June 5, 2013