August 27, 2013

God is in control -- always

Fear settles in
Whatever comes our way
we fail to remember
who is the one in control
and succeed instead
to believe in our own personal beliefs
or listen to our friends and neighbors
Who knows?!
Not they! Not really!
We wait
God is in control
Surely the answer does not always lie
in the immediate answer that comes to mind
Surely God does not say,
“Yes, go, buy”
With what do we buy?
The Lord knows what we have and what we have not
The Lord will provide
He has provided before
Surely, He will again
The Lord tells us,
“Have faith. Trust Me.
Don’t give in
to those who know not.
I will take care of you.”
He takes care of the birds of the air
and the grasses that grow under our feet.
He provides for all the critters
of the universe … why not humans?
Why not me? Why not you?
We all have needs.
One need is not less important
than another.
One person is not less important
that another.
Not in God’s eyes.
To each other
we do not always see the need.
We see instead
how we think another should act
not the reason behind the action.
If we all could see the reason
for the way another acts,
perhaps instead of judgment and condemnation,
there would be more love and compassion.

God is the true judge,
but there are many --
believers and non-believers alike
who sit in judgment,
failing to see the error of their ways.
No one is better than you, than me.
No one is worse.
We are all sinners.
God calls us all to be as Him.

We are to love one another
What is this love
How does this love show itself to others
Is it how we perceive it to be
or is it how Jesus shows it to be?

If we say we abide in Christ,
then we need to walk as He
in love
If we stumble and fall off the path,
and cry out for help,
where do we go
when no one hears,
no one sees our need,
no one answers our plea
for compassion.

But God sees
God knows

In the midst of every need
God is there

and God will provide.
We must place
all of our faith in Him alone
He can accomplish
what man or woman cannot.

 (c) August 27, 2013