October 20, 2013

It is all His

His sky
His clouds
The Lord will return
We who look up
expectantly waiting for Him
will see
and those
who everywhere else
see and live
will miss

I see
I look earnestly for His return
to be united with Him
His child
His creation

To paint or photograph
To capture
His splendor
His beauty
I witnessed it
I sat surrounded by it
in awe of it
I remember it
but to describe it
I fail to do justice

like mountains
rich with acres and acres of forest
and snowcapped peaks
rivers running through it
a lake of fire
red, bright orange
On the horizon
in the clouds

I sit
enthralled by His
what beauty
to behold
In my mind's eye
I see God
God's work
God at work
He shows us
His greatness

Yet we fail to see
and hear
and act accordingly
to His great mercy
responding instead
to the "me" inside
each of us.

 We have failed
We are all sinners
We remain as such
Saved by His grace
but not living in His power.

It is His
We are His
Nothing we are
is ours
It is all His

When will we be HIs desire?

                                                                                    (c) October 20, 2013