August 30, 2014

He is there

He is there.
He does not step away.

We are the ones
We seek places
we think could be better

God placed us here
where we are
He will guide us
if there are other places
we are to go

When we pray
When we seek His will
for our lives
He will enable us
to know
and to go

No matter the circumstance
We cannot outrun God

He is there

On the highest mountaintops
of joy
In the deepest valleys
of loneliness and desolateness

He is there

We cannot hide
We think we can
We may succeed
and withdraw into ourselves
away from others
But never from God.

He surrounds us
He holds forth His hand
offering Love, Peace, Joy, Hope

We cannot stay on the mountaintops
and we should not stay in the valleys

Stay near to God

Trust in Him
Believe in Him
Look to Him for your every need.

He is there.

“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20b

(c) August 30, 2014