February 28, 2014

Who is this?

“Who is this who even forgives sins?” ( Luke 7:49)

We all are sinners
You and you and you and me
Every single one of us
is not perfect
is not without fault

All the goodness
you and I think we are
and do for others
does not make us perfect
does not make us without fault

We all are imperfect
We all are sinners

There is only one
Only One
who is perfect
who is without fault
who has no sin

That One
is Jesus Christ
Son of God
born among men
among sinners

taught One central truth
among men
women too
sinners all

died between two thieves
before all of mankind
past, present and future

took our guilt, our sin
upon Himself
became the Passover Lamb,
the perfect sacrifice
once and for all

was buried, and then,
after 3 days,

That One
Jesus Christ
Son of God

rose again - He’s Alive!

and was seen
by hundreds,
40 days
He walked the earth
before ascending
to heaven
to sit
at the right hand
of the Father
to judge
the living and the dead

That One
Jesus Christ
The Holy One
forgives sins

He has the authority
The power

for He is the Truth
- there is no other

He is Our Savior
- only by believing in Him,
accepting Him,
trusting Him
can we hope to obtain
eternal life

He is The Way
- the only way

He is The Solution

Ask, receive

And just as Jesus said
to many during His earthly ministry
and says still today
through the Holy Spirit,

“You faith has saved you.” (Luke 7:50)
(c) February 28, 2014