March 31, 2014

God sent His Son ... Jesus sends us

As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” ~ John 20:21

sent His Son

sends us
His children

We --
do we go?
do we do His will
do we abide with Him
do we hold onto
the Peace
He gives us


do we forget
His promises
His examples
His Love

do we fail
to seek Him
to study and meditate,
to listen to His Word
to obey

God sent His Son
His Son sends us
Who are we sending
Are we making disciples
Are we showing another
God’s love illustrated through His Son

are we only passing on
our opinion
of what we believe and perceive
and not what
God’s Holy Word says

If we say we love Jesus
then we will do the will of the Father
We will Trust Him and be obedient
(c) March 31, 2014