January 21, 2017

Do you...?

Do you go
when God opens the door
to opportunities
or do you
decide the timing isn't right
and you'll "go later?"

Do you trust
in God
who knows you better
than you know yourself
or is it
your job
the government
your abilities
that you count on?

Do you believe
when the Lord
says He is with you
or do you
stand by yourself
denying your need for anybody?

Do you come
to the foot of the cross
to Jesus
to bare your soul
to make you whole and complete  in Him
or do your
wants, your thoughts, your desires
take precedence?

Do you know
or are you
all that matters?

Jesus loves you
Do you love Him?

Jesus cares about you
Do you care about Him?

Jesus is your friend
Are you His friend?

Jesus wants a relationship with you
Do you want a relationship with Him?

Jesus is filled with joy
as the angels sing in the heavens
when you accept Him as your Savior.
Are you filled with joyous song
when you think of Him?

Jesus wants you to grow in faith,
to be mature spiritually.
Are you willing to take a step for Him?

(c) January 19-20, 2017