May 17, 2014

I Pray

I pray Lord
for all those who desire to meet with You
this coming Lord’s Day --
Your children Lord,
Your blessed children everywhere

I pray Lord
none will be hindered from gathering
with fellow believers
to worship and praise and give thanksgiving
to You,
Our Savior, Our Lord, Our King.

I pray Lord
the lives of Your children
and their loved ones
will be changed in an instant and forever,
accepting the path
and obeying the instructions
You have given

I pray Lord
Your children will be strengthened
in their daily battles
against the demons
who seek to destroy
their current lives and their new lives
with, in and of You, o Lord.

I pray Lord
Your enabling power
will help them know the truth of God
and not the lies and falsehoods
of Satan and the world
as life unfolds.

I pray Lord
Your children will see the need
to study Your Word daily,
and consider its meaning
and how it applies to them.

I pray all this in my Father’s heavenly name.
(c) May 17, 2014

May 16, 2014

It is called Faith

Abraham received it
and all who came, heard and believed it
were counted among the righteous --
Jew and Gentile alike

The Promise
of Jesus Christ
fulfilled the Law
given because
of our sins
against God
taking upon Himself all,
dying and being reborn,
redeeming the curse
placed upon us.

The Law
of Moses
set in place
to show us
the way
to The Promise

Works will not
achieve it
All you do
will not guarantee it

It is God’s enabling power
that reveals it

It is called Faith
-- believing and accepting
what you cannot see

Based on Galatians 3:5-25
(c) May 16, 2014

May 14, 2014

Are we faithful?

God’s grace saves us
who died and was buried
rose again
He is our hope
He is our love
In Him is our faith

God’s promises remind us
of all He has done
all He is doing
all He will continue to do
of His return

God’s commandments guide us
how to live in dependence on Him
how to love as He
how to encourage, build up another
how to stand up, be strengthened in Him
how to worship, give honor and praise
how to persevere
how to stay connected to Him

God’s presence brings joy

Our responsibility is to remain faithful
to keep pressing on
no matter how hard-pressed we become,
no matter how difficult or stressed we feel

We must not forget
overcame the world
and through Him
we too can overcome
He will show us the way
through the dark tunnel
for He is the Light
and we as believers
are bearers of His Light

Let us not show the world
only darkness
We all need hope
But hope without Christ
is not, it cannot be
Our hope is in the Light
Our light is in Jesus

Are we faithful? 
(c) May 14, 2014

May 05, 2014

P - R - A - Y

Pray  without ceasing
Pray  for those near and far
Pray  for all
Pray  for the downhearted and depressed
Pray   for peace
Pray   for the persecuted
Pray  with perseverance
Pray  in the midst of where God has planted you
Pray  in such a way that it is pleasing to the Lord
Pray  for the poor
Pray  fervently, with purpose
Pray  for those who use and abuse you, those who come against you
Pray  before proclaiming His word
Pray  believing in the promises of God
Pray  in the way you should go
Pray  carefully

Run with endurance the race God has set before you
Reach outward to others
Reach upward to the Lord
Read and study and meditate on His Holy Word
Receive God’s instructions and discipline lovingly
Regard  others the same way you would like to be regarded (or treated)
Repent  of your sins
Receive the gift of salvation
Reflect on God’s unfailing, never ending love for you
Remember  the Bible stories, the parables of Jesus
Resist   the desire to hurt another, especially a loved one
Rest in the Lord, body and soul
Return  to your first love if you have fallen away
Robe yourself in the righteousness of God
Rejoice in the Lord always

Abide in the Lord and He will abide in you
Abstain , remove yourself from all appearances of evilness
Always  delight yourself in the Lord
Answer truthfully, honestly, as the Holy Spirit directs
Ask, make petitions to the Lord, seeking His answer and then wait for His response in His time

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is in the future. Live in the present. Live for today.                     
 Your life is but a vapor
Years  come and go – to God a day could be like a thousand years
Joy  fills our hearts with praise and thanksgiving. 
(c) May 5, 2014

May 01, 2014

Worship and Glorify God

Glorify the Lord of Lords
Glorify the Lamb
Glorify the King of Kings
The great I AM

Glorify the God of Gods
Glorify  the Son
Glorify The One who reigns
Glorify He who sits to the right
of His Father
and He who abides within the hearts
of His Children

Give honor to His Holy Name
Lifting  hands in worshipful praise
Singing songs of love and joy to Him
Oh magnify our Lord and King,
Our Savior and Redeemer.


We are called
To give honor to God
To glorify His holy name

We worship the Lord
when it is to Him and His will
we submit ourselves,
when it is His purpose
for ourselves we yield to.

We are not worshiping the Lord
when we are not obedient to Him
Submitting to another of God’s creation
is not what The Lord commanded
and it is not His purpose for us.

God is judge over all -
those who are righteous
and those who are not.

God alone will determine
who has been a  good and faithful servant.
Not another.
It is not for any to sit on the judgment seat,
reserved for God and His Son
and propose how every t should be crossed and i dotted.

God has said,
“My thoughts are not your thoughts.
Nor are your ways My ways.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)  

“The Lord reigns.
He shall judge the peoples righteously.
For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth.
He shall judge the world with righteousness,
and the peoples with His truth.” (Psalm 96: 10-13)
 (c) May 1, 2014