January 30, 2013

If you hear … when you hear, do not turn away

“Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” – Psalm 95:8

What God created
Man destroyed
When God expected obedience
Man rebelled
When God judged
Man cringed
Of the blessings God had bestowed --
To be fruitful and multiply,
To fulfill the earth and subdue it
To have dominion over all living things
Man was cursed
Our sorrow and pain was multiplied
Thorns and thistles were plentiful
upon the earth we toiled to bring food
Animals fought against all creatures
God had provided a beautiful and heavenly
place for us to live our lives --
The Garden of Eden
But our disobedience, our rebellion 
sent us away – out into the World
The world, where sin was rampant
where our fears got the better of us
where we fought and clamored and lusted
and laughed and stole
where we no longer heard God’s voice
where we no longer cared
God gave us life
and we chose death

And then,
God sent His son
God gave us a second chance
A chance to return to the Father
to be blessed
to  live with Him

Do you hear His voice
perhaps it's so very quiet….
Listen carefully
and if, when you hear His voice
calling you,
do not turn away.
(c) January 30, 2013