August 31, 2015

a rebel nation

(Based on Genesis 16)

"Where have you come from?
Where are you going?" God says.
He knows
but still He asks.

running away
We see
to a point
but how accurate do we see?

We despise another
and that one sees it -
dismayed, disheartened
the response is to lash out.

And we run

but we are sent back
tail between our legs
we return
submitting to a higher authority.

Mistakes made
errors in judgement
We think our thoughts, our plans
are just as high as God's
or higher,
but foolishness
is upon us.

He is Creator God
and we are created by Him
He is our Master,
our King
We only dust
a whisper in the wind

We look for a word from God
"I will multiply your descendants exceedingly." (verse 10)
Your child you carry
a son
"His hand against every man and every man's hand against him." (verse 12)

And it is as it is written.
Ishmael is a rebel
The beginning of a nation
destined to kill
any standing in its way.
(c) August 30-31, 2015