July 04, 2013

Our end is near

“Our end was near; Our days were over, for our end had come. The punishment of your iniquity is accomplished. … He will no longer send you into captivity. He will punish your iniquity. … He will uncover your sins!” – Lamentations 4:18, 22

The City of God
died --
The end was near
and then,
over and done

Its deadness
by years
and more years
of prophecies
but ignored

God’s chosen
would not turn away
from the evil lurking
within themselves
and surrounding them
Rebellion was preferred

God’s chosen
would not turn back
to the Lord
Would not stop
and examine
their wayward ways
Would not cry out
to their Father God
lifting hands and hearts
seeking forgiveness

The City of God
sins  her demise
God prevails;
punishment accomplished

The Gentile Nations
God’s people
found too among
yet not all pursuers
of love and justice,
the Lord’s way

The end
was near
is near again
The end
of days
lives lived
once, twice
and again
The end
theirs – gone
It is coming

Will you reconsider
your ways
and turn back
to the Lord?

Will you stop
search your heart
Will you seek
the Lord’s pardon
to set you free
to remove the choking chains

or will you continue
as you are
waiting for His punishment

justified punishment
to come? 
It will be accomplished!
(c) July 4, 2013