April 07, 2012

Staying the course

Stay the course
Bearing up
through and in
every experience
Stay through thick and thin

Not give in
to ways of the world
what is fine
on the outside
considered reasonable
is not necessarily such
when you claim to be
a child of God.

He wants a relationship
with you
and that alone
not one shared

He wants obedience
to His commandments
but not without love
He wants the love
He has for us
to be reciprocated by us
for Him
but He will not beg

He is not of this world
He created the world
in which we live
He allows our choices
to determine our end
He knows us
He knows what choices
we will make
yet He doesn't interfere

Stay the course
Stay true
to what you remember
as you pray and ponder and meditate
on His Word.

and with it
pain and suffering
new every moment
round and round
come and go

Keeping God in the midst
of our experiences
and not on the fringes
we come to realize
as we persevere,
earnestly pursuing patience,
defeat does not come
and in its place

Hope in the Lord Jesus
who lived and died
and lives again
and still lives

and in this hope
we have

"For He Himself is our peace" (Ephesians 2:14 NKJV)

In Him we have all we need
He is our everything

The world does not offer
the peace we desire

It can only be found
one place ...

at the cross

At His feet
I lay my burdens

and am comforted.
at peace ....

(c) April 7, 2012