March 27, 2013

God answers in His time

God answers
when the time is right
His time
Only His

Not when we think
the time is right

God waits

 We think He doesn’t care
and wonder where He is

 But God is there

 Just because we don’t see
at work
or feel His presence
does not mean
He is not there

He is

 and God answers
in His time
when it is the right time
not too late
not too early
Just the right time 

God answers
(c) March 27, 2013

March 06, 2013

To be as Christ

To be as Christ
He who suffered
for our sins
and was rejected
and cast out
We too must suffer,
be rejected
and cast out

He died without dignity
and honor
He hung upon a cross
and shamed by thousands

Out of love He came
to save mankind from
their sins
Yet many did and do
refuse Him
forsake Him
spit upon Him

To be as Christ
He who suffered
for our sins
and was rejected,
cast out
We too must suffer
and be rejected
and cast out

But no,
not dejected

sent to do His Father’s will
to fulfill the commandments
and the prophecies made
centuries earlier
by prophets of
the Almighty God

There was no room
for dejection
Not a lasting dejection
He was sorrowful
full of pain and remorse
for the world
so lost from
Eternal Salvation
Eternal Peace

If it could be
He asks of the Father
Remove this cup
but if it could not
Let it be Your will

Giving up and Giving in
would not be His way

To be as Christ
He who suffered
for our sins
and was rejected
and cast out
We too must suffer
and be rejected
and cast out

But not dejected
Not giving up
Not giving in
Not believing
cruel comments made
only to harm and shame you

To be as Christ
He who suffered
and died for our sins
He who was rejected
and cast out
We must get past,
get past and overcome
what others say and do

For Jesus overcame
the world
He knew … He lived it
He told us
again and again
The tribulations
we would endure
until  His return
endless pain and sorrow
and fear

But Jesus said
and He is living proof …
“I have overcome the world.”

We can be as Christ
Cast out
and we can overcome it all
when it is with Christ
we abide.
(c) March 6, 2013