April 30, 2018

We can live in victory

"Morning by morning The Lord wakens me and opens my understanding to His will." ~ Isaiah 50:4

The best of times
in our lives
can become useless
and we can become defeated

Is it because
we do not look anew unto Jesus?

We pray
but is our approach to His throne
fresh, full of love and hope
for each day after
do we give up,
no longer open to new ideas
Do we not hear the Master's voice
and when we do,
what is our response?

Is it Yes?
Yes, Lord! Yes!
Wherever Lord
You lead Lord
I'll go wherever you say
or do our fears
take over?
Do we refuse to allow Him
to govern our life?

The best of times
do not have to end
and bitterness
need not be

We can live in victory
every day
every hour
every minute

The Lord Jesus was and is victorious
He defeated the enemy
We can too.
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders
April 30, 2018