March 11, 2014

The puzzle of our lives comes together with Jesus

Our lives are like a puzzle
Thousands upon thousands
of pieces
to fit together
and make us complete,

The Lord Jesus
is central
to making the pieces
fit correctly

Without Him
we are nothing

The pieces
don’t come together
the way we’d like them to
and certainly not the way
God intended

The edges are not straight
The valleys are deep
The mountaintops unreasonably high
And everything in-between is in such
sad disarray

Yes, without Jesus
we are nothing

But there are many
who prefer nothing of Him
Phrases of disdain roll off the lips of the lost …
“So what?!”
“What is that to me?”
“I’ll wait”
“When I’m ready, then maybe”

Readiness will never come.

God pulls on your heart strings
Perhaps you feel something
but are unsure what it means
The tugging continues
You are bewildered
You feel
You listen
but what do you hear
and how should you respond?

Talk to God.
He will listen.
He cares.
He  loves you.
He will walk with you
and at times He will carry you.

Pour out all the  anguish you feel,
all the struggles that seem insurmountable .
Talk to God.
He can heal you
if you allow Him to.

So simple,
we make it so hard.

Accept Him.
Believe Him.
Confess Him.

But what do you accept?
and what do you believe?
and what do you confess?

Admit you are a sinner.
We are all sinners.
Not one of us is free from sin
Except One – Jesus Christ
The Son of God.
Accept Him.

Jesus is the one who was born of the Virgin Mary
and God
Jesus is the one who took all our sins upon himself
who went to the cross at Calvary
who bled and died for you and me
Jesus is the one who was buried
and on the third day, rose.
Jesus is the one who sits at the right hand of His Father.
Jesus is the one who is ALIVE.
Accept Him.
Turn away from your sins.
Turn toward Jesus
He  is The Way, The Truth, The Life
Accept Him.
Believe Him.
He lives!

Confess, proclaim!
your faith in Jesus
as your Lord and your Savior.

Dear God,
I  believe you love me. I believe I am a sinner. I believe you died for me. I know I am drowning. Help me God to turn away from all that imprisons me and attacks me. Help me God to turn to you. Save me God. I want to be whole. I pray this in Your name. Amen

I want to be whole
I want to be complete
I want Jesus

When we are One with Him
and stay focused on Him
through every trial we encounter
each piece of our lives
will come together
and fit according to His purpose.

Our lives
radiate from Him
for Jesus is the cornerstone
in the puzzle
of our lives. 
(c) March 10-11, 2014