May 13, 2012

The cross

The cross
a symbol
Christ's suffering
for all of mankind
He came to save

The cross
Christ's rejection
because of mankind
They despised
They abandoned
They refused to believe

The cross
Christ in us
His believers
who suffer
and are rejected
with Him.

(c) March 7, 2011

In His Image, according to His Likeness

Being a Christian means being a human being - as Christ became a human being.

The race we belong to is human. God created us --

"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;" (Genesis 1:26a)

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7)

In Our image
According to Our likeness

Son of God
as us --
created by
Him and His Father God
Their image,
according to Their likeness.

Son of God
the culmination
of us all
took our place

showing us
how to live
how to die
in Him,
and according to Him,
Lord Jesus Christ.

It is not
not emotions
not price tags
not traditions, not customs
These do not make a "human being."

We became
through God

How we
what we become
is dependent on
who we perceive
our maker, our creator.

Is it
the Word of God
is it
the word of me

Do we share,
Do we participate
in the sufferings
of our Lord Jesus,
the bearer of new life
and unending love,
in the life of this world,
a society of human beings
living in hopelessness ...

reaching, seeking ...
Are we there? Like Jesus,
in His image,
according to His likeness?

(c) March 31, 2011

Christ is the Light -- are we a follower?

Christ is The Light -- are we a follower?
"The only visible sign of God in the world is the cross." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Christ is the Light of the world
He came among us
to show us the Light
the way out
of the darkness
that consumes us

Christ died
and was reborn
He is the resurrection of the Light

Christ's death on the cross
All the darkness of humankind
was upon Him
He could not escape it
He sought its removal,
but His destiny was upon Him

A prayer to the Father
amid a grove of olive trees
in a place called Gethsemane ...
"Abba, Father,
All things are possible for You. 
Take this cup away from Me; 
Nevertheless, not what I will, 
but what You will."
 (Mark 14:36 NKJ)

The burden
The heaviness
of each of everyone
our sin
upon Him, who is without
each step, each stripe, each lashing,
each pounding

All He embraced
All our sin
upon Himself
His destiny
His Father's will

All the darkness
that Jesus took upon Himself
separated Him
from the Love of His Father

in dying came rebirth
Three days
in the tomb
just as He foretold

The resurrected body
of Jesus Christ
All the darkness of the world
was not enough
to overcome The Light.

"And the light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness did not comprehend it."
(John 1:5 NKJ)

The Light of God
of the Son

Judgment is made.

What of you and me --
The very ones whose souls
He came to save

Who do you follow
Do you remain in the darkness
or has the Light
found you?

(c) April 2, 2011

Peace comes from the Father

Peace comes to
from Him
my Savior
my Redeemer
my Father
in Heaven

Peace surrounds me
Embraces me
Protects me

I leave you My peace

(c) April 4, 2011

The Light returns

A new day
The Lord's Day,
every day

In days long past
night expectantly waits
for the coming
of Light

He is here!
Morning comes
bringing joy
gladness of heart

The baby Jesus is born
a light
in the
surrounding darkness

The Light - Jesus.
The message
proclaimed. He
the darkness,
overcoming the evil
that threatens us,
that seeks to destroy us.

and all of his followers
have not won,
darkness does not rule
Appearances can be deceiving.

The Light - Jesus
He is The Victor

His life
for yours
for mine

Morning comes again
The sun shines
The Son has risen
bringing renewed joy

The Lord has risen!
He has risen indeed.

(c) April 30, 2011

The Lord reigns over fear

Fear overwhelms us
Takes control
Drags us along the crooked and perverse
over rocks
we stumble upon
and falling
into cocoons

the unknown
scares us

We want to know
what will be tomorrow
yet we do not

God knows
In knowing
for ourselves
all He knows
wouldn't greater fear
protrude its
ugly head?

Is it not safer
Are we not more secure
alas, even more confident
if / when
fear envelopes us
we look upward
to Him

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord of all
of life
of death
of fear
of courage
of strength
of love

Look upward!
and pray
share your concerns, your worry, your fears
with The One
who does understand
Seek the meaning of His Word for you
Believe in His promises
of hope and a better tomorrow
Believe in Him
In His Love for you.
He has conquered fear
and death
He is The Overcomer

Fear does not belong
For if / since
we are one
with Him
through Faith
we have His peace

His peace
His love

Whatever comes
God knows all
and we are surrounded
by His presence,
His love
and that is enough.

We face an unknown
our fear escalates
But the fear within us
will dissipate, yield and fade
Freedom reigns
through faith
in the strong and living Savior
The Lord Jesus Christ.

(c) May 7, 2011

God's will or yours?

"And lo, I am with you always.'' - Matthew 28:20 (NKJV)

God's will ... different?
Can it be
Is it true
What we believe to be God's will one day
may not be another day.

How can we
follow the path
we believe God has laid out for us
if it may change at a moment's notice

Have you stopped to consider ...

We can follow the Lord, yes,
but we each can make changes,
detours along the way
that may prove to be
vastly different from God's plan.

Have we asked God
about the detour we ponder taking
or have we made our own decision

Is it right or or is it wrong --
to seek God's will
perhaps find it
but ignore it
to discredit it
to say no, God's doesn't know.
I know.

God's will ... different?

Perhaps it is our will
that is different
out of step
not in tune with His

If we are really His believers,
His followers,
living under His truth,
in obedience to Him,
our will would be His will.

We would look anew
every day
at what He
has to say
to us.

We would continually
ask of Him ...

Lord, is this the way?
Lord, what will you have for me today?
Lord, show me how to get out of this pity party.
Lord, where do you want me to go today?
Lord, who do you want me to be a blessing to today?
Lord, is this the job you want me to continue?
Lord, what is your desire for me this day?

"Lo, I am with your always"
Jesus tells us

Where are we
Are we with Him?

Have we forgotten
what He has taught us
Do we follow and listen
only to the sounds
of our steps
within our heart and mind,
within our personal observations
and experiences

can we truthfully say
we seek God's will
and rejoice when we do find

(c) May 14, 2011