Our choice
The Lord
who we serve
who we desire
to please
who we respond to
by our actions
who we listen to
meditate on
through His word.
who we serve
who we desire
to please
who we respond to
by our actions
who we listen to
meditate on
through His word.
Our choice
to get tangled up
in knots
over perceptions
because of
another’s comments
or pray
the Light
of God’s love
will shine
within us
and enable us
to be
more like Jesus
less like
any other
who are not
more or greater
than ourselves.
We are
all equal
in God’s eyes.
All sinners
saved by grace
all human
all powerless
Our choice
to be
in a cell
without bars
bowing down
to the realities
of the world
we live in
and deciding
it is just fine the way it is
before the throne of God
to what is true
and grounded
standing firm
on the realities
the promises
the miracles
the unconditional love
of the Lord Jesus.
Our choice
to see
only our circumstances
to look for security
in the things
we have
or think we need
to see
what cannot be seen
looking beyond ourselves
beyond our spouse,
friends and family
to the grace
God extends to us
when we accept
His Son Jesus
as our Lord
and Savior.
Our choice
to ask questions
seek answers
gain knowledge
and understanding
to step beyond
our selfishness
and spend time
with the Lord
our Father in Heaven
in His Holy Book.
Our choice
to dust off the book
sitting stagnant
on a shelf
only to be used weekly
or less
and open its pages
Our choice
to read
and study
and meditate
a few
Our choice
to find the answers
in this most knowledgeable
of books
filled with useful information
as much today
as in yesteryear
Our choice
to live as the Lord
desires us to live -
with Him at the helm
or to live
focused solely on
the “me” in each of us.
to live as the Lord
desires us to live -
with Him at the helm
or to live
focused solely on
the “me” in each of us.
Our choice
What have you chosen this day?
What will you choose tomorrow?
Do you choose the Lord
for every day
or is it still only you
that is important?
(c) May 3, 6, 2015