March 23, 2014

Trust Him, Thank Him, Rejoice in Him

Trust Him More
Jesus will
equip me
to get through this day,
every day
All I have to do is
be dependent on Him
Trust Him
Stay close to Him
Pray to Him
Talk, converse with Him
Keep Him foremost in my mind
and not how the day is or is not going
nor how levels of pain affect me
Depend on Jesus

He will help me (and you) through the day,
whatever the circumstances,
whatever life throws at you.
Jesus is the answer.
Seek Him at every turn.

The events of life
big and little
seem to swirl us
out of control
We fail to look to God
with our every question
for our every answer.
we withdraw into ourselves
We succumb to a pitiful existence
that takes us down a road
we should never go

Circumstances bring our demise
They don’t have to
but they do
and I am
as guilty as another.  
We strive to live above
where we are
To think positive
To remember God’s eternal love for us

But a negative focus moves to the forefront
of our thinking
and we are caught, blocked, trapped in a place
we cannot free ourselves from

Shades of gray
surround us in every stage of life
What we do
can help us connect the dots
to where God wants us to be
with a clearer, sharper focus,
less shady, less gray.

He wants us with Him
To seek Him
To pray to Him
To trust Him
To put our faith in Him
To believe in Him
To  love Him
To  live our lives for Him
To see, To become aware of the blessings He gives us daily

Thank Him

Blessings and judgments flow
God above provides both to all
The judgments we may see coming
especially if we are mindful of our wrongdoings
But the blessings
we can easily miss
even when staring at us in the face

We live in a world
where we think we are the controller
Whatever happens or does not happen
is under our control
We forget there is
a higher power --
that being God
and we do not look to Him
for much of anything

Look at your life
Consider it all

Concentrate on Him
Concentrate on Trusting Him
and less on you

Our circumstances need not be
what determines our attitude
Do not dwell on the negative
of all that is around you
Dwell on the positive

Be thankful.
There is much to be thankful for
in the midst of every moment, every event
we have.
Trust Jesus.

Cling to Him
He who created you
Saved you
Delivered you from sin
Loved you and Loves you still

Thankfulness lifts you up,
above your circumstances,
brings you out of despair
brings you peace.

Trust Him, Thank Him, Rejoice in Him.
 (c) March 21-22-23, 2014