July 09, 2012

There are always some ...

There are always some
who do not believe
Their unbelief
does not make God
any less faithful
does not make God’s
call of judgment
any less righteous

He is the great
Not like Houdini
who could work magic
God is no magician
He is True
He is Faithful
He is Patient
He is All-Powerful
He is Our Creator
He is Our Redeemer
He is The Alpha and The Omega

You who do not believe
in Him
and His Son
are damned

You live your life
and you die

It’s final …. But

Believers and unbelievers alike
will face the
final judgment seat,
will hear
His  response.

We cry,
“Yes, but …”

But His answer
is adamant
Depart from Me!
I never knew you!

“Depart you cursed ones
into the everlasting fire
prepared for the Devil
and his demons”
  (Matthew 25:41)

I was hungry and thirsty,
lonely and naked
I was sick
and where were you?
You didn’t provide me food
or drink
You didn’t invite me in
to fellowship
You didn’t provide me
with clothes to wear
You didn’t care for me

You denied Him
You went your own way

Eternal punishment
is your reward.

That is The End.

deemed righteous
through the shed blood of the Lamb,
the Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the Father,
will too stand before their maker.

“Well done thy good and faithful servant”
(Matthew 25:21)
is the Lord’s response

Eternal Life
Is your reward

And that is only The Beginning 

(c) July 9, 2012