May 13, 2012

The Lord reigns over fear

Fear overwhelms us
Takes control
Drags us along the crooked and perverse
over rocks
we stumble upon
and falling
into cocoons

the unknown
scares us

We want to know
what will be tomorrow
yet we do not

God knows
In knowing
for ourselves
all He knows
wouldn't greater fear
protrude its
ugly head?

Is it not safer
Are we not more secure
alas, even more confident
if / when
fear envelopes us
we look upward
to Him

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord of all
of life
of death
of fear
of courage
of strength
of love

Look upward!
and pray
share your concerns, your worry, your fears
with The One
who does understand
Seek the meaning of His Word for you
Believe in His promises
of hope and a better tomorrow
Believe in Him
In His Love for you.
He has conquered fear
and death
He is The Overcomer

Fear does not belong
For if / since
we are one
with Him
through Faith
we have His peace

His peace
His love

Whatever comes
God knows all
and we are surrounded
by His presence,
His love
and that is enough.

We face an unknown
our fear escalates
But the fear within us
will dissipate, yield and fade
Freedom reigns
through faith
in the strong and living Savior
The Lord Jesus Christ.

(c) May 7, 2011

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