March 27, 2014

God shows us … do we wait and follow Him or just go alone?

“I have set the Lord always before me … You will show me the path of life.” (Psalm 16: 8, 11)

Don’t let the world rule you
Don’t become enamored with all
that is in the world,
with all that befalls you,
angering and frustrating you.

Give your fears and worries, your doubts
over to the Lord
Trust in The Lord
He will guide you safely.

No, it is not easy
But yes, it can be accomplished
One step at a time
Moment by moment

If you never try
you’ll never know
if you will succeed

God is the answer to every need.
The key is in His workbook -
The Bible

Study and meditation are necessary
Just picking up the Book
on a Sunday
to read the Scriptures
will not bring about much
of a transformation

They are just words
clumped together
that sound good
and make you think
briefly about them

But to learn to trust the Lord,
you must be in His word daily.
You must consider,
carve out time to spend with Jesus –
The One who set (s) you free

If only you could see
There are some who are blind
who see the Truth
more so than those
who have no sight

Seen through their hearts,
hearts of love

God is love.
God’s Son lives in our hearts
as the Holy Spirit
when we accept Him

When we walk with Jesus
we stumble less
because our focus is more on Him
and less on those things
that can derail us

He shows us the path
and how to stay on the path
but it is up to us
who determines
if the way we will go
is Our Will
or His Way
It is us alone
whose decision
the ultimate judgment.

Keep your eyes on Jesus
Do not become daunted
by the affairs of those around you
They have choices to make too
Live for Jesus
Live on the path He shows you
Do not veer off the path  
to places unknown
just because you want to.

Seek God.
Look to Him for your every guidance.

Trust Him.
Trust Him for everything.
Trust Him for your very life. 
(c) March 27, 2014

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