March 04, 2015

Do not let the ways of the world destroy you

We cannot
fix – repair - change
the one (s) we love

It is


The best
The very best
The most excellent
can do
for him
for her


to love them

 to forgive them
without fail

 to pray for them

and in between
to listen
to laugh
to cry
to live!

if you already
proclaim yourself
a Christian
the moment
God brought you
to Himself
and you became
His child

You are not
what you were
You are different
You are changed
and you change every day.
If you are
the Christian
the follower of Christ
you claim to be
your allegiance
is to Jesus
to yourself

If you want
to be
a better parent
a better husband
a better wife
a better person,
go to God
He is your first
your first
line of defense
never your last


“For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened.” ~ Matthew 7:7-8

If you do not ask God in prayer
how will you receive all that the Lord has for you?

If you do not seek God’s wisdom,
how will you find the answers to every life issue faced?

If you do not knock at God’s door
how do you expect His blessings to be opened to you?

How can you know Him better … Trust Him more?

If you do not Ask, you will not receive
If you do not Seek, you will not find
If you do not Knock, the door will not be opened

You are not
what you were

If you say you are
If you proclaim
“This is who I am. I can’t change.”
Then perhaps
you are NOT
the believer
in Jesus Christ
that you say
you are

“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Prove yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you? – unless indeed you are disqualified.”  ~ II Corinthians 13:5

You cannot be
who you were
and who you became
in Christ Jesus

You are one
or the other

You live to yourself
and your selfish desires
and wants


You live to Jesus
whose very life and death
transformed you
made you whole
and complete

If you claim
allegiance to
the Lord Jesus
our Savior
for all eternity
then it is to Him
you must live your life
You must repent, turn from
all that goes against
His way
For it is His way
you must follow
and not your own

He knows more
about us
than you or I
who we are
what we need

Listen to Him
Open His Word
Study His Life

Come again and again
to The One
who constantly seeks
you out
to fill you
with His Light
His Love
His Presence

“Do not be deceived. God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh, will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap everlasting life.” ~ Galatians 6:7-8

Do not grow weary
Do not lose heart
Do not hunger for that which destroys the good work God put in you. 

“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.” ~ Galatians 5:24-26

Satan seeks control over your every move.
Satan has no desire to see you live or walk in the Spirit of God’s Love .  His plan of attack is for you to live and walk in the way of selfishness, to be forever blinded to what you know is wrong, to what God has said is unrighteous.

You know what is wrong – you know what is right.

 Do not be jealous

Do not be argumentative

Do not be envious of another

Do not look for a quarrel

Do not be negative-minded

Do not be hateful

Do not be scornful

Do not be resentful

Do not be filled with destructive behavior

Do not look for revenge

Do not be overcome with intense anger

Do not lie

Do not be a know-it-all

Be loving

Be joyful

Be peaceful

Be patient

Be positive

Be kind

Be faithful

Be gentle

Be respectful

Be helpful

Be prayerful

Be grateful

Be thankful

Show goodness

Have self-control 

Everything changes when God is in your life. 

Everything changes when you take God out of the equation as well. 

Don't take the wrong path.  Don't stay on the wrong path. Don't give in to desires and wants. Do not let the ways of the world destroy you. Turn away, turn from what is wrong, and turn to God. 

(c) March 3-4, 2015

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