June 26, 2014

Jesus is ....

God is Spirit
Jesus is the Son of God
and the Son of Man
We worship in spirit and in truth
When Jesus ascended into heaven
to be with His Father
He sent a helper …
The Holy Spirit
to live within the hearts of all
who come to believe
and accept Jesus
as their personal Lord and Savior.


You perceive you want more
but you don’t know what more is

You look for satisfaction
and finding none
you think you must look elsewhere

You want happiness
but you have no answer
as to what that looks like

You think comfort exists
in new relationships,
new passions,
new pleasures,
new jobs,
but you are not comforted

There is only One
who can give you
what you seek –

Only One
who can satisfy you
Only One
who can fulfill the deep longings
within you

He is God
He is Jesus
He is The Holy Spirit

I may  be a nobody to you,
but not to Jesus

I am His
A sinner redeemed by His grace

Others are sinners still lost

Won’t you come
Won’t you come
Be fulfilled
Be satisfied
Be comforted
Be complete
Be loved.

Oh how He loves you and me

(Lyrics by Kurt Kaiser)
Oh, how He loves you and me.
Oh, how He loves you and me.
He gave His life, what more could He give
Oh, how He loves you and me.

Jesus  to Calv’ry did go.
Hs love for mankind to show
What He did there brought hope from despair
Oh, how He loves you, Oh, how He loves me
Oh how He loves you and me.

Oh, how He loves you and me.
Oh, how He loves you and me.
He gave His life, what more could He give
Oh, how he loves you, Oh, how He loves me
Oh, how He loves you and me.

“Therefore, we do not lose heart.” (II Corinthians 4:16a)

We should not
Yet we do
We give in
and become remorseful
over circumstances and situations
that have come our way.
Jesus said it would be so.
We are only fooling ourselves
when we believe differently.
We need to return to Him
Be on the same page as He
and move with Him as our lead..

(c) June 26, 2014

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